

SIERRA LEONE: Taylor pleads not guilty to crimes in ‘sister republic’

The Special Court, seated in the capital Freetown, is the first-ever international war crimes tribunal to be held in the country where atrocities took place.

Book Round Up #15: 'American Theocracy' and 'The Spanish Civil War'

This is another book from the genre of ex-Republicans who have awakened to the fact that the party they once believed in has become the tool of elite business interests and has nothing to do with real democracy.


Support Senator Feingold's Censure Resolution

In 2001, Pride at Work became the first National labor organization to come out in opposition to the war in Iraq.


Filipina Women say NO to HR 4437

babae joins millions of people across the U.S. in denouncing the Sensenbrenner Bill (HR 4437) and additional legislation proposed by Senators Arlen Specter and Bill Frist that threaten civil liberties and human rights.

French unions and students fight attack on labor protections

The law they were protesting, called the CPE or “New Workers’ Contract,” would allow employers to fire workers under the age of 26 with little or no cause if they have worked for less than two years at that job.


United States admits that Posada Carriles is a terrorist

A Venezuelan Embassy press release issued in Washington D.C., Friday states that in a document entitled 'Interim Decision to Continue Detention' dated March 28, 2006 and sent to Mr. Luis Posada Carriles, the United States has admitted for the first time that Posada Carriles is a terrorist.


Bush's Inconceivable Interest in Iran

All of the talk about bombing Iran to keep them from getting nukes and threatening the 'world' distracts from our own country's abandonment of the international non-proliferation agreement as Bush is positioned to build more nuclear weapons and resume testing.


Republican voters jumping ship on Iraq occupation

With news from Iraq bleaker than ever, a new poll shows a large bipartisan majority of Americans want to begin pulling out U.S. troops, and strongly oppose permanent U.S. bases in Iraq.


Cuba working to use anti-cancer therapies

CUBAN scientists, whose field studies of therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer have demonstrated encouraging results, have begun to work toward applying these therapies in the early stages of the disease.


Pakistan: Child marriages on the rise across rural Sindh

Though Sumera does not yet know this, the man she is about to marry is 45 years old, nearly four times her own age. He has paid Sumera’s father the equivalent of US $4,237 for her hand.

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