Protest Planned to Demand Nuclear Disarmament
In May, world leaders, mayors and people from around the world will converge on the United Nations to decide the fate of the endangered Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).
The God Racket Under Bush
The bible bashing and the hucksterism of the right-to-lifers in the US surrounding the Schiavo case shows once again that the religious right is riding high under Bush.
The 'Morality' and 'Reality' of David Brooks
David Brooks recently wrote an article called 'Morality and Reality' in which he discusses the Terri Schiavo case and claims the moral high ground for the conservative position (replace the feeding tube.)
China's Report on Human Rights Violations in the US (Pt. 1)
In 2004 the atrocity of US troops abusing Iraqi POWs exposed the dark side of human rights performance of the United States. The scandal shocked the humanity and was condemned by the international community.
China's Report on Human Rights Violations in the US (Pt. 2)
The United States refuses to ratify the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights and took negative attitude to the economic, social and cultural rights of the laborers.
China's Report on Human Rights Violations in the US (Pt. 3)
The situation of American women and children was disturbing. The rates of women and children physically or sexually victimized were high.
Cuban Elections Do Not Compare to US Elections
JUST a few days away from municipal elections in Cuba (April 17) there are reasons for attempting to find an equation to parallel the electoral process in general on the island and that of the United States.
Abstinence-only Failing in Uganda AIDS Fight
Human rights advocates blasted a US-backed abstinence-only program in Uganda for 'hijacking' what was once a successful battle against HIV/AIDS.
Corporate America is Out of Touch on Social Security Issue
A far-right organization bristling from the union's campaign against privatization has attacked the AFL-CIO in a recent press statement.
Working to Block the Bankruptcy Bill
'April Fools! We're not really going to wreck the bankruptcy system and turn families over to the gentle mercies of credit card companies! We just wanted to see how extreme we could get and have the media still believe it!'