Labor Takes on Wal-Mart on Election Law Violations
Charging multinational retail giant Wal-Mart with illegally pressuring employees to vote for Republicans and John McCain in the the November 4th elections, the labor movement and community organizations filed a formal complaint this week with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).
Do Compact Fluorescent (CFL) Light Bulbs Cause Headaches?
With a switch to energy efficient compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs already in full swing in the U.S. and elsewhere—Australia has banned incandescents, Britain will soon, and the U.S. begins a phase-out of incandescents in 2012—more and more complaints have arisen about the new bulbs causing headaches.
Imperialism Rears Its Ugly Head in Georgia
For those in the war torn Caucasus this has been a week of unfathomable turmoil. It has been a week filled with images of displaced peoples, and the instruments of modern warfare doing what they do best, dispensing death.
Family Politics and the New Gaza Crisis
Yet more haunting images of blindfolded, stripped down Palestinian men being contemptuously dragged by soldiers in uniform from one place to another. Yet more footage of bloodied men lying on hospital beds describing their ordeals to television reporters who have heard this story all too often.
John McCain Can't Handle the Truth: Taxes, Troops, and Clean Energy
On taxes, major media outlets again took McCain to task for misleading the public about Obama's plan to cut taxes for working families. In his TV spots, McCain claimed that Obama wants to 'raise your taxes' and falsely stated the tax burden would fall on middle-income families.
The Truth About John McCain and Social Security
Social Security turned 73 yesterday, Aug. 14th. That's two years older than John McCain, a beneficiary of Social Security who receives close to $2,000 per month from the program, despite recently describing it as 'an absolute disgrace.'
Israeli Response to Death of Reuters Cameraman Condemned
The Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) strongly condemns the official response of the Israeli military Advocate-General to the death of a Reuters cameraman and three other civilians, including two children.
Healthy, Non-dairy Cheese
With some 30 to 50 million Americans suffering from various degrees of lactose intolerance, and an estimated three million of us now eating animal-free (vegan) diets for humane, environmental and/or health reasons, the production of alternatives to dairy products has started to become big business.
Georgia/Russia Conflict Forced Into Cold War Frame
U.S. corporate media frequently evoked the Cold War as a key to understanding the conflict between Russia and Georgia over South Ossetia. This was certainly true of the media themselves, which generally placed black hats or white hats on the actors involved.
Book Review: Tears of the Desert
In just under 350 pages and beginning with her birth in 1979, Halima Bashir describes her journey from a remote tribal village in Sudan, through adolescence to university and to qualification as a doctor of medicine specializing in gynecology and obstetrics.