Fighting for the Right to Walk
Gaza’s troubles have somehow been relegated, if not completely dropped from the mainstream media’s radar, and subsequently the world’s conscience and consciousness. Weaning the public from the sadness there conveys the false impression that things are improving and that people are starting to move on and rebuild their lives.
Israel and Palestine: Whose Acre?
THE ANCIENT port of Acre is now the object of a fierce battle. The Arab inhabitants of the town want the port to bear the name of an Arab hero, Issa al Awam, a general under Saladin, the Muslim leader who defeated the Crusaders. The municipality of Acre, which of course is dominated by the Jewish inhabitants, has decided to give the port the name of an Israeli functionary.

Gaza’s Kite Runners
When seen from a distance, kites in Gaza may look quite ordinary. But while Gazan children, in many respects, are just children, their kites are hardly ordinary. Often adorned by the red, black, green and white of the Palestinian flag, Gazan children’s kites are expressions of defiance, hope and the longing for freedom.
The Protectorate of Afghanistan
The majority of our contemporaries are convinced that we are in a historic period of transition to a new system of world order. Its future shape, however, is rather unclear. Only one thing is emphasized time and again with striking certitude: An era of disorder, dissolution and chaos lies before us, and it is likewise unclear where it will end.

The Israeli Conundrum: ‘How to Deal with Iran’
Israeli officials face a conundrum that may take more than military muscle-flexing to resolve: how to deal with Iran? The solution to this dilemma will require no less than sheer political genius.