

France's Social Struggles

The end of 2007 has proven to be rather disturbing for France's newly elected president, Nicolas Sarkozy. Nicolas Sarkozy, leader of right-wing Union for a Popular Movement (UMP), was elected President in May 2007 on the basis of an aggressively anti-social-welfare program.


Environment-friendly Furniture

Along with replacing your incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents and driving your car less, upgrading to greener furniture is one of the healthiest things you can do for your family and the planet.


FOX’s O’Reilly and Ingraham Attack Immigration Expert

Last November 8, Fox TV’s Bill O’Reilly said in an on-air chat with Fox News analyst Laura Ingraham that the distinguished Miami Herald Latin authority Andres Oppenheimer was “crazy” and “a nut.”


Turkey Invades Iraq

On 2 December 2007 the Turkish military said Saturday's operation was the first since it had been authorized by the government to launch a cross-border offensive, and that operations will continue 'depending on intelligence gathered.'


S.F. Security Guards Win New Union Contract

The union negotiating committee for security guards in San Francisco buildings goes to City Hall, where they and Mayor Gavin Newsom announce that they've agreed to a new union contract with security companies.


Who's Afraid of Barack Obama?

A few months ago, we published an article entitled Who's Afraid of Barack Obama? With Obama leading polling for the Iowa caucuses we thought readers might enjoy rereading it.

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