Inquisiciones sobre el paradigma, Entrevista a Eduardo Galeano
Una visión humanista considera la historia como un producto humano, es decir, producto de la libertad de sus individuos y de los diversos grupos que la han realizado e interpretado. Una visión antihumanista afirma que, por el contrario, esos individuos y esos grupos son el resultado de la historia misma y su libertad es una ilusión.
Inquiries on Paradigm, Interview with Eduardo Galeano
A humanist vision considers history to be a human product, which is to say, a product of the freedom of its individuals and the diverse groups that have enacted it and interpreted it. An anti-humanist vision asserts that, on the contrary, those individuals and those groups are the result of history itself, and their freedom is an illusion.

Latin American Workers Uniting, Talking with Maria Pimentel
In 2008, the CGTB entered its 22nd year. During this period it has organized five national congresses. Today, the CGTB is active in 14 states of the Brazilian Federation. It also participates actively at the international level.
US Business Groups Urge Lifting Cuba Blockade
Twelve US business associations, including the Chamber of Commerce, sent a letter to US President-elect Barack Obama
urging him to lift the almost fifty-year-old trade, financial and economic blockade of Cuba.
New Latin American Film Festival Expands with African Sample
HAVANA, Cuba, Dec 3 (acn) The 30th International Havana Festival of the New Latin American Cinema will open here on Tuesday with a sample distinctive of today’s African film creation.