

Geopolitical Rebirth against Imperialism

Solidarity flourishes the more adverse our external reality gets. Somehow during hardship, as humans we have an innate intuition which draws us closer to each other. Sure, it seems unreal in a time of such consequential conflict in the global society we are constructing, to be talking about fraternal unity.

Video: Elena Mora Comments on Super Tuesday

The first thing to talk about is the tremendous excitement and engagement of people in this election. Voter turnout is breaking records. People went to vote in the primaries almost as if it were the general election.

Communists Launch YouTube Presence

Last week the Communist Party USA launched its presence on YouTube with five new videos.

Accountability for Suharto's Crimes Must Not Die With Him

Indonesia's former dictator General Suharto has died in bed and not in jail, escaping justice for his numerous crimes in East Timor and throughout the Indonesian archipelago.

Senior Calls

In a city of 100,000 people, you can call 300 each night. You'll talk to a dozen. Maybe one will commit to voting for your guy. The people of this city will grow to hate your voice, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Atlanta: City Council Overrides Veto of Public Housing Oversight

The City Council of Atlanta voted Monday, February 4, 2008, 10-5 to override Mayor Shirley Franklin’s veto of a resolution that asks the Atlanta Housing Authority (AHA) to consider putting on hold the demolition of Bankhead Courts, Bowen Homes, and Hollywood Courts.


The Blood of the Earth: The Global Battle for Vanishing Oil Resources

The eternal flames that erupt from the rocks in the Caspian region give an eerie backdrop to Dilip Hiro's book on oil.

Labor Calls for Real Change to Revive Stalled Economy

Long-term unemployment in the US is steadily worsening. In 2007, according to analysis by the labor-backed Economic Policy Institute, 1.2 million people were unsuccessfully seeking jobs for more than six months, the federal time limit on unemployment compensation benefits.


The 'Mission' – Canada's Afghan Adventure

In 'The Grand Chessboard' Brzezinski (Jimmy Carter's national security advisor, and star consultant to several US Administrations) boasts of how he lured the Soviets into Afghanistan in order to bleed them in their own version of Vietnam.

The EU and the Danger to Democracy

Under existing EU rules there is no such thing as the G5 or an 'inner circle'; but it is clear that the major economic powers will increase their political co-operation and, given their voting strength, will ensure that they get their way in most matters at the EU Council of Ministers.

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