US Elections: The Iraq Factor
As the race for the United States presidential nominations progresses, the stances of and attitudes towards both Republican and Democratic candidates continue to bring up causes for concern, in terms of their past behavior, current appeal and general trustworthiness.
Foundry Workers Protest Plant Closure
Foundry workers from the Pacific Steel plant demonstrate outside a meeting of the Berkeley City Council, protesting a measure that could lead to the factory's closure.
A People’s Surge That Could Reshape Our Country
A people’s surge is heaving its way across the country with unexpected force. And in doing so, it is confounding pundits, challenging conventional wisdom and reconfiguring our nation’s politics.
Reducing Food Packaging Waste
Food packaging is a big problem in North America as well as elsewhere around the world, with landfills filling up and recyclers facing a glut of materials to process.
Bush Fear Card Ignored by Congress, Blasted by MSNBC's Olbermann
Lying has become a way of life for George W Bush and like the little boy who called wolf too often – the American public, the U.S. Congress and finally the media are calling his fear based bluffs and letting Bush hang – twisting in his own hypocrisy.
Recession Remedy: End the War, Invest in America
A growing majority of people want to end the war and use the funds diverted to it to invest in the ailing US economy and improve people's lives here, according to a recent Associated Press poll.
Bush Budget Targets Children's Health
A bipartisan coalition of health care providers and policy advocates sharply criticized the massive cuts to health care programs for children in President Bush's budget proposal delivered to Congress last week.
Georgia: State House Committee Approves Eyewitness ID Reforms
A Georgia House of Representatives committee approved two pieces of legislation Wednesday, February 06, 2008, that seek reforms in eyewitness identification reform.
Bush's Budget Takes Aim at Working Families
Last week, George W. Bush delivered his final budget proposal to Congress. As expected it contained severe cuts to domestic programs, especially for working families, and massive new spending for the military along with huge tax breaks for the very rich.
Green Festivals Sweep Country
Whether you’re a consumer in search of green products and healthy organic foods, an environmental advocate looking to network, or a businessperson who wants to “green up” operations, there is an environmental event out there for you.