
Lula Speaks at World Social Forum; activists denounce US militarization in Latin America

More than 100,000 people from 5,700 organizations of hundreds of countries are participating in the World Social Forum.

Cuba Calls on US to End Torture at Guantanamo Bay

On January 19, 2005, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the US governmental authorities in Havana and Washington with a diplomatic note denouncing the flagrant violations of human rights on cuban territory.

US activists oppose Bush's war

Anti-war group Not in our Name asks for signatures and puts a full-page ad in the New York Times declaring oppositon to Bush's endless wars.

Rice's Confirmation Bad News for Latin America

Rice's outdated Cold War credo suggests her term at the helm of the State Department will witness no new diplomacy, let alone innovative ideas.

Toto Constant, Former Death Squad Leader, To Be Sued

Since 1996, Constant has lived freely in and around Queens, New York, enjoying de facto political asylum from Washington.

Chavez enjoys mass support; World Social Forum set to begin

Chavez enjoys the support of the mass of Venezuelans despite US provocations. 150,000 people are set to kick-off the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Torture at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba – Made in USA

More than 500 prisoners caught during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been illegally flown into occupied Cuban territory, tortured and humiliated without the least concern from the UN Human Rights Commission.

Bush's Lackluster Relations with Latin America to Continue

Yesterday Bush began his second term and there seems little hope for improved ties between Washington and Latin America.

Political Dialogue Begins in Nicaragua; US is a Negative Force

Sandinistas call for greater government effort to combat unemployment and poverty in Nicaragua. Venezuelan official describes Bush administration's claims about WMD in Iraq as lies.

The Washington Post in an Anti-Communist Time-Warp Over Venezuela

Recently the Washington Post used misrepresentations and fabrications to attack the Chavez administration in Caracas. Its rhetoric was steeped in outmoded anti-communism.

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