Message from Missouri: 'This is our country! Let's take it back!'
ST. LOUIS – Voters here in the Show Me State want George W. Bush to show them one good reason to give him four more years in the White House in the Nov. 2 election. Missouri labor and its allies have seen enough already and are working hard to 'show Bush the door in 2004.'
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South Africa’s Democracy: Deepening Class Contradictions
The Employment Equity Report, released by the South African Minister of Labor, shows the extent to which private capital is actually resisting transformation of the racial and gender demographics of middle and top management in South Africa’s companies. It shows the inherent and systemic racial character of South African capitalism. Racial and gender exclusion are not just a past legacy, they continue to be reproduced as an ongoing reality under capitalism. It is an illustration that South African capitalism has, for more than a century, relied on white male middle and top management as its most trusted 'lieutenants' for its accumulation needs.
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Book Review - Who Are We?, by Samuel P. Huntington
Samuel Huntington is an ideologue presenting a world model in which imperialism and the different people’s struggle to resist and destroy it have nothing to do with the conflicts in today’s world. For him the conflicts center over cultural values of different 'civilizations.' Lately Huntington has turned his attention internally to the United States where he attempts to apply a variation of his thinking to the domestic scene. His ideas would deprive the peoples of the US of a powerful weapon for social progress – unity.
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The People's Dreams vs. Wal-Mart Schemes
During the last couple years we’ve been hearing a lot about a 'global clash of civilizations.' We have our own clash of civilizations going on, right here in the United States. Essentially, civilization is the sum total of the expressed dreams of a people. It is their version – and vision – of what life is supposed to be. But in the United States, only one very small group is empowered to dream its dreams – to build its version of civilization.
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Wal-Mart and the Bush/Cheney Campaign Working from Same Play Book
Is it any wonder then that the Bush administration has specifically endorsed Wal-Mart as a credit to American capitalism? We cannot vote Wal-Mart out of office this November, but we can change the culture in which Wal-Mart operates by voting out George Bush. Don’t be fooled by soothing music and pictures of smiling workers.
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Campaign for a National Health Program NOW!
With over 42 million uninsured Americans, and another 40 million who are under insured, the time has come to change our inefficient and costly fragmented health care system. The United States National Health Insurance Act (HR 676) establishes a new American national health insurance program by creating a single payer health care system.
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The Bush Administration’s War on Women & Children
By now everybody knows that Martha Stewart has been sentenced to 5 months in prison for lying about a phone call. I think it was Jeffrey Toobin who said, 'The government has sent a clear message to all Americans. If you lie, you’re going to suffer the consequences.' Isn’t that just rich.
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Against the Whole World: Bush's AIDS Policy
Bush’s AIDS policy is a killer. AIDS took the lives of 3 million people since January of 2003, the majority of whom were in Africa. Nearly half were women. Yet Bush’s spending priorities to fight HIV infections and AIDS have allocated only $350 million of the highly publicized $15 billion he promised in his 2003 State of the Union speech. More interested in pushing a far-right agenda than in saving lives, Bush is presiding over one of the worst atrocities in human history.
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Book Review - What's the Matter With Kansas?, by Thomas Frank
Thomas Frank’s What the Matter With Kansas? is a book with a local focus on an allegedly non-battleground state, featuring a cast of characters few readers outside the Sunflower State will recognize, and offering an analysis that should be read and considered by every progressive, left or working-class activist from Maine to San Diego, and from Seattle to the Florida Keys.
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The Fantasy of Fair Globalization
The world is witnessing, for the last several years, extensive resistance against the economic onslaught of the latest phase of capitalism on the common people, which is popularly known as neo-liberal globalization. Even many of those who welcomed the advent of this globalization as marking a progress for human well-being have turned into its critics and are crying halt to its rampages.
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