
Right-Wing Watch: The Record of Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts

The National Coalition for Disability Rights maintains that Mr. Roberts’ legal briefs and oral arguments “distorted the facts of the case and minimized the extent of Ella Williams disability.” The Court ruled in favor of Toyota and created a new test to determine who meets the legal definition of being disabled. Consequently, it is now more difficult for the disabled to prove violations of the Americans With Disabilities Act in the courts.

American Mullahs and the Cult of Fear: Network News as Counter-Reality

Certainly, it wasn’t what I expected to hear from a CNN news anchor. But there it was – striking honesty about the news. Arms waving for emphasis, the host of the CNN morning show passionately complains about the Bush administration’s unwillingness to accept the science of global warming.

Nicaragua: A Three-Way Political Battleground

Nicaragua now has three political leaders – Bolanos, Aleman, and Ortega – battling, and/or sometimes forming alliances, with each other to run the country...Poverty [has] grown 20% in three years, and 30% of the population and 10% of children ages 1-5 now live with chronic malnutrition. Moreover, unemployment and underemployment currently are above 50%, and over a million people have no access to healthcare, education, or potable water.

Capitalism Gone Mad: The Myth and Reality of Hillary Clinton

In this capitalism gone mad column, I look at the case of Hillary Clinton whom the ultra right demonized to both her advantage and theirs, and whom they continues to vilify in its subsidized books, press, and an army of Internet websites. But it also deals with the Candide like reportage in the New York Times and leading newspapers that Hillary Clinton appears to be moving to the right, to position herself for a 2008 run for president.

CP of India: Exports Of Democracy: US Style- pt 2

The first stage of [the] American empire began with the Mexican-American war, but began to flourish at the conclusion of the Civil War. For many years prior, Americans had been pushing into the western lands occupied by native peoples. In the process, the vast majority of Native Americans were erased from the book of history...

The Legacy of US supported Military Dictatorships in Latin America: The Monster’s Work

The repression unleashed by Fulgencio Batista’s dictatorship following the Moncada Barrack’s attack constituted a barbaric act without precedence in Cuba’s history...In order to fulfill the dictator’s goals, Batista counted on the unconditional and timely assistance, as well as instructions, from the US government.

PetroCaribe: A Bolivarian Alternative

For the Caribbean, energy supplies from PetroCaribe will represent a cost reduction of six dollars per barrel of petroleum or petroleum by-products. It will also mean the elimination of speculators, who in some cases impose on these small countries prices higher than those on the world market – in addition to controlling fuel storage facilities.

John Roberts: a 'Consensus' Nominee? Bush Misses the Mark...Again

From 'troubling' and 'concern' to outright opposition, civil rights and liberties organizations expressed immediate disapproval of President Bush’s nomination of ideologically conservative John G. Roberts to replace Sandra Day O’Connor on the high court.

Stem Cell Research: Promises and Concerns

RESEARCH on stem cells has been in the news in recent times for very contradictory reasons. On the one hand, it raises visions of a constant supply of living material that can repair and replace almost any diseased or ageing portion of the body. On the other hand, it is being attacked by the conservative establishment in the US, led by George Bush, as immoral and horrific.

The United States Must Leave Guantanamo Now!

All and every state, community, above all every individual in this world declared one of global responsibility, who subscribes to the truth that only in justice can real humanity exist between nations and peoples, must demand, in that name, that the U.S.A. leave Guantanamo unconditionally.

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