
Denunciations of Israeli Attack on Gaza

The Israeli Occupation authorities have started a new aggression against our people by attacking our lands in Gaza. This attack was concentrated in Palestinian territories in Gaza causing complete destruction of our infra-structure...

Pakistan: Spiralling rents leave quake victims out in the cold

Following the quake, rent prices in the city have doubled with a good house costing as much as $1,000 a month – far out of reach of most people...

Congress is Derelict and needs to be Replaced by People Who Take Their Oath of Office Seriously

President Bush, during his five years in office, has cancelled all or part of 750 laws of Congress, quietly and with the stroke of a pen. These so-called 'signing statements' have been used to invalidate laws passed by Congress...

How the US Federal Reserve System Runs the World: Dirty Secrets of the Temple

This article attempts to summarize what it does, how it does it, for whose benefit and at whose expense. For those who don't know, prepare for some stunning information and commentary...

The Supreme Court, Guantánamo, and the Danger of Dictatorship

The Supreme Court in an important decision yesterday ruled 5-3 that the Bush administration’s use of 'special courts,' sanctioned by no one except themselves, to try prisoners held on terrorism charges at Guantánamo, violated both the Uniform Court of Military Justice, which govern U.S. military courts, and the Geneva Convention.

Mexico: Election Battle Goes Down to the Wire

With the Mexican presidential race entering its final hours, the outcome still remains in doubt. Felipe Calderón of the ruling PAN party is running neck and neck with left-leaning Andrés Manuel López Obrador of the PRD.

The NBA Draft: Prom Night Gets Political

Adam Morrison from Gonzaga, the NCAA's leading scorer in 2006, was picked third by the Charlotte Bobcats... He is also someone who has said that his heroes, in addition to Rage, are 'Malcolm X, Karl Marx, and Che Guevara.'

Israeli Military Attacks in Gaza and the West Bank

PCHR strongly condemns IOF retaliatory measures targeting Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip, including the destruction of properties that are not classified as a legitimate military targets.

Stop the Israeli military’s crimes in Gaza and the West Bank!

During the month of June, the Israeli Army (Tzahal) killed dozens Palestinians, including several children, and now is continuing these crimes by the occupation of large territories of the Gaza Strip with the excuse of releasing the kidnapped soldier.

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