Atlanta: Public Gives Input on Beltline Affordable Housing
The Beltline Affordable Housing Advisory Board (BAHAB) held the first citywide conversation on affordable housing as it relates to the BeltLine, on July 08, 2008, the first in a series of meetings seeking to generate feedback from the community over the coming weeks.
Bush, Herbert Hoover, and Memories of the Great Depression
While preparing a lecture on the Great Depression, I saw TV news clips of George Bush saying that the economy was “sound.” He has actually said that a few times in the last few weeks.
Rethinking Absurdity
The turbulent times are upon us and I can no longer determine if it is a crisis of confidence, a run on the bank, a recession, a depression or a simple slowdown. People of all colors and fields have been using such terms to try and pinpoint the truth and magnitude of our global situation.
The Right to Stay Home
For almost half a century, migration has been the main fact of social life in hundreds of indigenous towns spread through the hills of Oaxaca, one of Mexico's poorest states.
China and Sustainable Development
PA contributing editor Wadi'h Halabi, the interviewee here, recently attended a conference titled Marxism and Scientific Sustainable Development held in Beijing, China.