Children and Environmental Toxins
To say that kids are growing up faster than ever these days may be more than just cliché. Recent studies have shown that children are reaching puberty at younger and younger ages, and researchers are starting to see links between this trend and other societal ills such as ubiquitous pollution and sedentary lifestyles.
Power Draining TVs
According to The Wall Street Journal’s Rebecca Smith, a 42-inch plasma TV set can draw more power than a large refrigerator, even if the TV is only used a few hours a day.
AFL-CIO Forms New Union Veterans Council
The AFL-CIO today announced the formation of a national Union Veterans Council that will enlist millions of veterans to improve urgent veterans’ and pocketbook issues and expose the records of candidates for office at every level on these issues.
Should Reason Prevail
There's no waste in the inaugural speech Barack Obama would supposedly deliver in January 2009, should he stick to the text prepared by the experienced British journalist and historian Richard Gott published in The Guardian last July 9.
McCain as Maxwell Smart
The McCain campaign has a new commercial contrasting the fabled hippie 'Summer of Love' in 1967 and its message of 'uncertainty, hope and change,' with what it calls 'another kind of love – love of country,” John McCain shot down, bayoneted and tortured.
Why Does John McCain Hate Social Security?
In 2004, while campaigning for George W. Bush in New Hampshire, McCain said, “Without privatization, I don’t see how you can possibly, over time, make sure that young Americans are able to receive Social Security benefits.”
Autism and the Environment
No doubt about it, autism rates have skyrocketed in the U.S. and beyond in recent years. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease affects one in every 150 children born today in the U.S.
Georgia: Fulton Court Denies Permit for Coal Power Plant
On June 30, 2008, Fulton County Superior Court denied Greenleaf Energy Associates, LLC, a permit to build a coal burning power plant in Early County, Georgia, on the Florida border.
Bush Took Detainment Too Far
For the first time this term, on June 12, 2008, the US Supreme Court split a decision on a case before it along political/ideological lines. It ruled that foreign detainees at Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) have the right to appeal to US civilian courts. The decision came just as the first Gitmo trials are beginning.
Green-friendly Lawn and Garden Pesticides
Pesticides have greatly boosted agricultural yields over the last half century, so it is no wonder, given the commercial availability of many of these synthetic chemicals, that American homeowners apply 100 million pounds of the stuff each year to make their own gardens grow bigger and faster.