Gay Pride Month: Communists stand in solidarity
The month of June has been designated as Pride Month in celebration of the struggles and achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the United States.
Republicans and the Voting Rights Act of 1965
Most people don't know that the Voting Rights Act has to be periodically renewed, which itself is fairly outrageous, since it brings with it the possibility that the rights that so many people paid so much to gain could be simply cancelled by a right-wing Congress

The Broken Back of Counterfeit Liberalism
Months after the event, an event that I concede is the quintessence of triviality, I am still pissed. I’m pissed that the Academy Awards snubbed Brokeback Mountain in favor of the “surprise” choice of Crash, a film described by Los Angeles Times critic Kenneth Turan as a “feel-good movie about racism.”
Pride At Work: Building Pride for All Union Members
At Gay Pride rallies across the country, hundreds of P.A.W. members have joined in solidarity with workers in a variety of campaigns, such as the justice at Wal-Mart and Delphi Corp
Michigan: Civil Rights Commission Finds Campaign Deceived Voters
Opponents of affirmative action deceived voters into signing a petition that put an initiative onto Michigan’s November 7th ballot, concludes a recently released report by the Michigan Civil Rights Commission.
NO in November to Protect Civil Rights in Michigan
This ballot initiative exposes all Michigan residents to the dangers of a society divided by racial hostility or sexual discrimination.
Why Michigan Voters Can’t Trust Dick DeVos
Michigan voters can’t trust Dick DeVos. He says one thing – about jobs, Michigan schools, and ethics – but his record says another.
Backtracking at the EEOC
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the primary federal agency for enforcing anti-discrimination laws in the workplace, is facing a $4.2 million budget cut, another blow to workers from the Bush administration.
A Tale of Two District Attorneys
Albany County District Attorney David Soares is considered a hero by many for his bold stances and refreshing approaches to delivering justice.
French Communists Condemn Attacks on Moscow’s Gay Pride Parade
Pravda, one of Russia's major national newspapers, reported last week that the French Communist Party (PCF) condemned violent attacks on marchers participating in Moscow's Gay Pride parade on May 27.