
Recycling Waste to Generate Power

Cogeneration—also known as combined heat and power, distributed generation, or recycled energy—is the simultaneous production of two or more forms of energy from a single fuel source.

UN Organizations Unify on Plan for Vietnam’s Development

Vietnam and 14 United Nations organizations in the country have signed an expanded common cooperation plan through 2010 with the aim of maximizing the UN’s support to Vietnam ’s development.

Cuba Pays Tribute to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

The Cuban and the US flags fluttered together on June 19 by a monument dedicated to Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were unjustly executed 55 years ago by fascist forces in the United States.

Former Carter Appointee Warns Against Nuclear Power, Coal, Foreign Oil

Several dozen people arrived at The Carter Center Wednesday night, June 11, 2008, to listen to award-winning energy expert and environmentalist S. David Freeman, whose new book sheds light on America’s deadly addiction to 'three poisons': foreign oil, coal, and nuclear power.

Climate Change Intensifying Disastrous Weather in North America, Report Finds

As John McCain campaigns on a pledge of increasing greenhouse gas emissions by launching new offshore oil drilling and refusing to make caps on emissions by big polluters mandatory, new government data indicates that the effects of global climate change, caused by greenhouse gas emissions, are intensifying.

The EU's 'Shameful Directive'

European Union member states are now able to detain undocumented people for periods up to 18 months without any form of due process. Before, this was only possible for a maximum period of 6 months.

Sebelius Clean Energy Agenda a Model for US

Leading Obama V.P. candidate Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius will speak in Denver on how America can follow Kansas' lead to a clean future based on her remarkable struggle to lead Kansas into a sustainable energy future.

EU Ministers End Sanctions against Cuba

The European Union agreed on Thursday to revoke its sanctions against Cuba, reported the bloc’s foreign relations commissioner, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, quoted by Reuters.

Vietnam, UK seek cooperation in climate change

Vietnam and the UK have discussed ways to promote bilateral cooperation in coping with climate change and controlling environmental pollution during a week-long visit by Minister of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) Pham Khoi Nguyen.

Europe Entangled over Lisbon Treaty

The six-month summit of heads of state and governments of the European Union (EU) ends Friday with no accord on a foreseeable date to approve the Lisbon Treaty, rejected in a referendum by Ireland.

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