AFL-CIO: End US Military Involvement in Iraq
No U.S. foreign policy can be sustained without the informed consent of the American people. Last November, the people spoke clearly, calling on the president and Congress to change course in Iraq.
US Sen. Johnson Co-Sponsors Minimum Wage Increase from Hospital
US Sen. Tim Johnson (D-SD) has just become the 44th total cosponsor of S. 2, the bill to raise the federal minimum wage for the first time in 10 years.

Working-Class Women: On the Front Lines of Feminism
When we think of 20th century U.S. women’s movements, the events that come to mind are the feminist battles of the 1960s and before that, the suffragettes of the early 20th century.

Brother Dave Moore and Organizing the Union at Ford
Dave Moore became a leader in the union organizing at the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, Michigan in the 1930s and was elected to leadership positions in UAW Local 600 in the late 1940s.

Brother Dave Moore and the Ford Hunger March
Five young people in the bloom of life, in their teens and early twenties, just beginning to see life, were lying dead on Miller Road. To this day, no charges have been brought against Ford Motor Company or anyone else.
Protests Greet Wal-Mart In India
Several mass organisations including AIDWA, AIKS, CITU, DYFI and SFI along with activists of the India FDI Watch held a militant protest demonstration in Delhi on February 22, 2007 against the visit of Wal-Mart officials to India to sign the Bharti-Wal-Mart deal.
Working Families Get a Boost in the House
The House of Representatives this week passed the bipartisan Employee Free Choice Act by a vote of 241-185. The law would strengthen legal protections of workers against employer punishment and harassment when trying to organize a union.
Who's Afraid of the Employee Free Choice Act?
The Employee Free Choice Act is one of the most important pieces of legislation being considered by the new Congress, yet many people have probably never heard of it.