The Senator from Comcast?: Arlen Specter and SpyGate
SpyGate is the sports scandal du jour. It centers on the New England Patriots surreptitious videotaping of the New York Jets last September and the subsequent destruction of the evidence by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
The Exceptions of Democracy
As one of the famed theoretical architects of the so-called 'War on Terror,' and of the subsequent US invasion of Iraq, Francis Fukuyama’s much celebrated postmodern, even in some respects deconstructionist, notion of the 'End of History' repeated in a kitsch fashion that which others have already repeated of the philosopher Hegel, who said it far more eloquently a long time ago.
From South Africa to Detroit, People Demand Change
DETROIT – South Africa is at a crossroads, said Political Affairs Editor Joe Sims here at the Swords into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery, Mar. 1.