
The Cost of War in Plain English

The war in Iraq has now cost Americans countless dollars and over 4,000 American lives. I say over 4,000 because the death toll put out by the Bush administration does not include all the American contractors that have died in the war.

Georgia House Approves Split Jury Death Penalties, Senate Overturns

The Georgia House of Representatives approved an amended bill Wednesday, March 20, 2008, that would allow a non-unanimous jury to hand down the death penalty. However, the Georgia Senate successfully stripped the controversial amendment on Thursday, March 21, 2008.


Photos: West Coast War Protest

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - 19MARCH08 - Thousands march and demonstrate in San Francisco to oppose the war in Iraq, on the fifth anniversary of the start of the war.

Republican-tied Group Calls for 'Exporting Homosexuals'

Peter Sprigg, vice president of policy at the Family Research Council, discussed the group's opposition to the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA) saying 'I would much prefer to export homosexuals from the United States than to import them into the United States because we believe homosexuality is destructive to society.'

Some Comments on Racism

The statistics cited by the above commentators and many others show that racial prejudice among white residents of the United States has in many respects declined markedly in the past 20, 30 or 40 years.

Activists Demand Health Care not Warfare

Following the successful launch of its Healthcare NOT Warfare campaign with events across the nation, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) activists are participating with a broad range of groups at events commemorating the fifth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq.

No War - No Warming: Blocking Traffic at American Petroleum Institute

The videos below show exactly how much fun it can be to interrupt the day of war profiteering oil barons and educate the public about an occupation that we said six years ago would be blood for oil and that we say now is blood for oil.

Media ignore contractors killed in Iraq

It is inevitable that in the next few days the Pentagon will announce the 4,000th U.S. military death in Iraq. But as the Iraq War begins its sixth year, a significant number of deaths connected to the invasion have remained off the books, uncounted by the U.S. military and seldom noticed by the media.

If Bush Can Bail Out Bear Stearns, Why Not Working Families?

The FBI appears to be investigating Bear Stearns along with 16 other companies involved in the subprime mortgage crisis for criminal misconduct, according to suggestions made by FBI agents in recent media reports.

Book Review: War in Heaven

In this short volume, Helen Caldicott and Craig Eisendrath provide a sharp and concise analysis of the American nuclear weapons industry and its many ramifications for society and the peoples of the world in general.

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