Globalization: Hopes Of The South Betrayed
THE story of subversion of the UNCTAD itself by GATT that later morphed into WTO, enveloping within itself subjects like investments, intellectual property rights and a plethora of non-trade issues, is the story of continuing poverty of nations and backwardness of their development.
East Timor: Its all about oil – once again
The Australian Government seems to have lost out, at least for the time being, in its attempts to destablilise East Timor and impose a government more to the liking of Howard, Downer and their allies.

Remembering North Korea, Part IV
We said goodbye to our chairman, and rode further on to Mankyungdai Agricultural Cooperative which was the birth-place of Kim Il Sung. The cottage in which he was born and the grounds around it had been preserved by the government, and we stopped off to visit it.
Remembering North Korea, Part III
We jolted our way over the dusty roads to a collective farm some hour’s drive outside of Pyongyang. Along the way groups of boys and girls would draw up stiffly, when they saw us coming, their hands straight along their sides and bow their heads.
Remembering North Korea, Part II
If I had been impressed with China, I would be, in quite another sense, more impressed by Korea. At the end I would say that I was a heroic country, unbelievably heroic: and to witness such mass heroism left an indelible mark upon me an inextinguishable responsibility.
Remembering North Korea, Part I
Anyone who has a kind word to say about North Korea today takes his political, not to speak of literary, life in his hands. So thoroughly has that small country been demonized that it takes on a measure of heroism simply to try to strike a balance, assert a few obvious facts, and bring the subject back into the realm of reason where reasonable people may consider it.
Australia's gunboat diplomacy – Look for the money
Two Australian warships are on their way to East Timorese waters. It’s called “showing the flag” or “gunboat diplomacy”. East Timor has not asked Australia for any help, so why the rush?
Japan: Stop monetary support for U.S. war policy
Richard Lawless, U.S. deputy undersecretary of defense for Asia and Pacific Affairs, said that the cost of realigning U.S. forces in Japan, including the construction of a U.S. base in Guam, is estimated at more than 30 billion dollars, and that the United States is calling for Japan to pay 26 billion dollars.
May Day Message to the Filipino Working Masses
The whole world is today celebrating International Workers' Day – a day of homage to the workers' role as creators of all of humanity's basic necessities and wealth, of culture and civilization.
Australian Occupation of the Solomon Islands: Democracy is on the streets of Honiara
We congratulate the people of the Solomon Islands and those opposition parliamentarians who brought about the defeat of a corrupt government which was supported by foreign money and foreign military and police forces.