

Clarence the Larynx

Somebody just wrote a book about Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. No it's not 400 blank pages, but it's co-written by Kevin Merida and Michael A. Fletcher and much can be said about the timing of its release, only Thomas (rumored to be Black) won't say anything.


Freedom Rider: Reagan Wins in 2008

The Ronald Reagan library was the perfect location for the recent Republican presidential debates. The gruesome words of the Republican presidential candidates seemed to come from a séance communing with Reagan's departed spirit.


Witnesses Recant in GA Death Row Case, Supreme Intervention Sought

Six of nine non-police witnesses have recanted or changed their testimony over time since 1996 in a Georgia Death Row case, where Troy Anthony Davis of Savannah currently faces execution, but restrictive laws may prevent altered testimony to be considered in court.


India: ‘Anarchism Shall Not Impede Industrialization’

The opportunist attempt at anarchism of the Bengal opposition and the corporate media, at Nandigram and elsewhere in Bengal, shall never be able to slow down, far from putting a stop to, the process of industrialization of the state.


Cuban President Fidel Castro Warns of Imperial Apocalypse

Cuban President Fidel Castro warned Tuesday of the extreme poverty and other catastrophes threatening millions of people in the Third World, especially in Latin America.


France: The Hardline Right Moves into the Élysee Palace

So today we are entering a political context that is particularly serious and disturbing. Nicolas Sarkozy feels he can legitimately promote an ultraliberal agenda that is anti-union, generous to the rich, stigmatizing the poor, the unemployed, immigrants.


Documentary Review: Haiti – We must kill the bandits

Print and television media coverage of Haiti since the early 1990s has been characterized by disinformation and deliberate omission of facts.


French Election: What Sarkozy's Election Means

In the third consecutive defeat for the French left in a presidential election, NICOLAS SARKOZY has been chosen to lead France with a comfortable 53.06% of the vote, as the pre-election opinion polls had predicted.


The Hard Bigotry of the New York Times

The New York Times clearly believes that Americans' attention spans have been reduced to zero, and that we can now forget things even while they are still happening.

It's Not Just an Abortion Ban: The Christian Right's Global Agenda

After the initial shock of the recent Supreme Court ruling upholding President Bush's abortion ban, it's time to acknowledge the full reality of the decision. According to the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, the ruling is harmful to women's health.

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