
Canadians want to exit dirty war in Afghanistan

Even before the full impact of revelations about the treatment of prisoners captured in Afghanistan hits home, recent polls showed that a majority of Canadians want to end our military role in that country.

Castro: The unanimous opinion against imperialism

At the 6th Hemispheric Meeting in Havana, when the discussion turned to the subject of production of biofuels from foodstuffs, which are constantly getting more expensive, the huge majority voiced their opposition with indignation.

Bush and the Media: Playing Us for Fools

The idiot American media are giving Bush another free pass, running stories now that the U.S. is “willing” to talk with Iran, but only about how to calm down the Iraq conflict.

What a pathetic joke!


Cindy Sheehan May Run for US Congress in 2008

Renowned antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan is considering a run for US Congress in 2008, Atlanta Progressive News has learned in the process of interviewing Sheehan about her upcoming rally in Washington, DC, this Mothers’ Day weekend.

Rudy Giuliani Adopts Bush's War on Terror

Statements made by former New York City Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani during the 2008 presidential campaign on issues such as Iraq, terrorism, and foreign policy have been essentially to endorse and completely embrace the Bush doctrine without providing any policy specifics of his own.

Bush was FOR timetables before he was AGAINST them

Defying President Bush's stubborn refusal to change course in Iraq, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced Congress would provide no 'blank check' for a failed Iraq policy without 'benchmarks, guidelines, or standards.'


Getting the Story Straight, or How to Avoid Responsibility for What You Say

Last Sunday on ABC's This Week Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice played word games with George Stephanopoulous. She told him that that neither she nor the President ever said Iraq was 'an imminent threat.'


Another Day, Another Defection

Matthew John Dowd was a former Democrat who defected due to disappointment over Bill Clinton. At some point this incredibly naïve man changed parties and joined the Bush Administration and in '04 he became W's chief campaign strategist.


AHA Quietly Passes Eviction Plan Amidst Shouting, Public Unaware

The Atlanta Housing Authority never called its Thursday, April 25, 2007, public hearing to order and appears to have passed the Consent Agenda–including mass evictions of public housing residents–while many in the audience were shouting 'Let the people speak!'


Canada's ALCAN ruling: a move to privatize resources

The privatization of Canada's energy resources has taken a big leap forward with a BC Supreme Court ruling that awards multinational aluminum giant Alcan the right to sell electricity to BC Hydro.

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