

'It is important that young people join our cause'

The following article is an interview with Irma Gonzalez and Elizabeth Palmeiro, the daughter and wife of Rene Gonzales, a member of the Cuban Five unjustly imprisoned in the United States. The interview was conducted bt Adam Glass and Jeff Tomlinson for Rebel Youth magazine, the publication of the Young Communist League of Canada. It was published in the November 16-30 issue of People's Voice, the leading communist newspaper of Canada.


Some Social Implications of the Web

Aristotle, one of the great minds of antiquity, thought that the population of states would have to be limited to the few thousand who could be directly seen and addressed at one place. Otherwise, he asked, who would be the herald of such a vast multitude, “Unless he have the voice of a Stentor? Clearly then, the best limit of the population of a state is the largest number which can be taken in at a single view.”


A New Direction in US Foreign Policy?

Without a doubt the 2006 elections transformed the political landscape in the U.S. Immediately following the news that his party had been swept from power, President Bush sacked Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.


Want to End the War? Ask for Investigations!

Public awareness of the lies that led to the war and the crimes committed during the war helps build public demand for the troops to come home. Not every committee in Congress can work fulltime on simply ending the war: a legislative process that must be pursued but which will be uphill and subject to veto or signing statement.


Cuban Oil and Ethanol Could Prosper in Havana’s Hunt for Energy Supplies

Hurdling over the barriers erected by Washington policymakers, Cuba, with increasing gusto, is turning to its oil and ethanol sectors to achieve energy security, despite the U.S. embargo.


Killing Hope in Beit Hanoun

“God is greater than Israel and America,” was the echoing cry of tens of thousands of Palestinians, who descended into the graveyard in grief stricken Beit Hanoun, in the northern Gaza Strip.


Voters clean house: Rejecting Bush agenda, Americans look for new direction

Fired by anger and disgust with George W. Bush, the Iraq war, corporate greed, corruption and human needs cutbacks, voters went to the polls Nov. 7 and terminated 12 years of Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives.


Appeal against militarism and war, for freedom, democracy, peace and social progress

Fifteen years after the disappearance of the USSR, imperialism's global offensive has brought to our planet more war, more militarism, more violence, more torture, more illegal prisons, more restrictions of freedoms and more anti-democratic repression.


Canada: Can we block Harper's 'Social Conservative' gamble?

THE WORD AMONG government circles is that Stephen Harper's handlers are determined that he 'not be another Joe Clark.'


China: The Second Long March Towards Harmonious Socialist Development

In response to the question, whether the growth of private enterprise in the course of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is leading or would, in the future, lead to a class differentiation in the society, they answered in the negative.

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