E-Vote Questions Linger Over Cleland's 2002 Loss
Lingering questions regarding former US Sen. Max Cleland's (D-GA) loss in 2002 to US Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) are resurfacing in the last days of Democrat Jim Martin's Run-off Election with Chambliss.
Joseph Stiglitz: World Economic Crisis, a Difficult and Long Way Out
Nobel Economy Laureate Josepth Stiglitz said in the Dominican Republic that the way of the current world economic crisis entails a difficult and long process.
A Call for a National Economic Recovery Act
Make no mistake about it, this election was won on bread and butter economic issues. While John McCain and Sarah Palin focused on the rhetoric of patriotism, 'trickle-down' economics, 'staying the course' on Bush's tax cuts and family values; they also embraced the very economic policies that both undermine the middle class and subvert the security of American family life.

Book Review: The Politics of Immigration
Jane Guskin and David L. Wilson have written an important book on immigrants and immigration policy. Though short, The Politics of Immigration packs quit a punch.

Book Review: Democracy's Prisoner
US Attorney General Thomas Gregory persuaded Congress in 1917 to pass the Espionage Act, which contained provisions for government censorship of public discussion of the First World War.

Sagebrush Noir: The Western as 'Social Problem' Film
Thirty-five miles east of the dusty town of Socorro in Southeast New Mexico, the first atomic weapon was tested on July 16, 1945, 35. The weapon would, within the month, be credited with ending the Second World War.
Reflexiones sobre la muerte (imprevista) de una ideología
La crisis financiera en Wall Street ha provocado una grave crisis ideológica. El capitalismo mismo está bajo escrutinio.

My European Vacation: Interviews with Working-class Leaders
We are, everyday, protecting the social security rights of all Greek workers. We fight for a stable working situation; against the privatization being driven by the European Union and forces present here in Greece. Protecting and improving the health, education and lives or workers is our priority.

Another Crisis of Capitalism
Unfolding globally today is another capitalist 'crisis of overproduction' and a corresponding crisis of unmet human needs, even for food and water. Earlier crises (1907, 1929) led to terrible suffering, political breakdowns and war, but also opened the path for the Russian, Chinese (1917, 1949) and other socialist revolutions.