Senate Moves Health Reform Debate Forward
The Senate voted 60-39 this weekend to begin debate on its version of the health care reform bill. According to early analysis, the new Senate bill would impose new regulations on the health insurance industry and create regional insurance exchanges that include a public insurance option.
Keep Up the Momentum for Strong Health Care Reform Now
As the historic fight for health care reform passes to the Senate next week, and then to conference committee before final vote, a continued and expanded push is needed to prevent blockage of this key legislation.
Big Business Splits Over Healthcare
In its ongoing campaign to pass health reform, the White House last week highlighted a new report from the Business Roundtable (BRT) on healthcare costs. The BRT, which is an organization for CEOs, concluded that on the issue of healthcare, 'the status quo is not sustainable.'
Health Reform Moves Forward
The bipartisan passage of the House health reform bill Sat. Nov. 7 met with mainly positive reviews from the labor and democratic movements. Political disputes over abortion rights, however, threaten total unity for passage of a final bill.
Public Option: Worth the Fight
This past week the House released its version of the national health care legislation. It is no longer the America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3200); it's now the Affordable Health Care Choices Act of 2009 (H.R. 3962). There are many changes, some of them are responses to the peoples' health movement.
Rebuilding the Labor Movement in the 21st Century, an Interview with Scott Marshall
It was an amazing continuation of where the AFL-CIO and the labor movement have been going in general. I think there was a fantastic amount of attention paid to questions of diversity, questions of opening up the ranks, and in particular real concern about how to bring young workers into the labor movement.