
Election 2000 Recycled?

Despite the measures adopted and harsh attacks from the civil society, irregularities are mounting in terms of the upcoming U.S. elections on November 2, which could be a repeat of events four years ago. A report from the Electoral Reform Information Project, a bi-party organization, quotes various problems in these elections that could tarnish their transparency.

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Resist Republican Attacks on Voting Rights

Republican-engineered election irregularities are already surfacing across the country. Minnesota’s Republican governor issued terrorist warnings for polling place lines through his Department of Homeland Security. Republican Florida Governor Jeb Bush ignored warnings that errors with voter rolls needed to be corrected.

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Irish communist leader slams EU illusions

The European Union affects every aspect of our people's lives, from the way economic decisions are taken to how our budget is formed, the level of government borrowing and spending, the economic and political priorities of this State, even to what constitutes a fruit or vegetable.

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Afghanistan Polls and After

BY the time we write these lines, the people of Afghanistan had cast their votes in the first election after a long gap and the results were awaited. Though preliminary results may be expected in a few days after sealed ballot boxes from 23,000 polling booths reach 8 regional headquarters, reports are that a final count may not come in before at least two weeks.

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Globalisation and Popular Sovereignty

For some, the term 'globalisation' is used to conceal or misrepresent what is actually this new emerging phase of imperialism. 'Globalisation' is presented as a mainly technologically-driven process which, we are told, is inevitable. Often allied to this approach is a tendency to see so-called globalisation as a predominantly economic process.

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Aspiring Right-wing Russian Dictator Endorses Bush

According to The Guardian, right-wing Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who has come under fire recently for instituting policies that pro-democracy critics have decried as a return to dictatorial methods of rule, lent his endorsement to George W. Bush for this year’s highly explosive and world historical presidential election.

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Bertrand Russell in 90 Minutes

This short book [Bertrand Russell in 90 Minutes by Paul Strathern, Chicago, Ivan R. Dee, 2001] of 92 pages is one of many (24 at the time it was published) Strathern’s 90 Minutes series. If you know absolutely nothing about Russell, perhaps the greatest English speaking philosopher (bourgeois) of the 20th century, you could begin with this book – but you will need more than it provides to really understand Russell.

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For Freedom, Peace and Democracy

It is now one year and a half since the war and the occupation of Iraq. Our country has witnessed exceptional developments during this period, giving rise to a totally new situation. It is extremely complex, and fraught with enormous dangers, as well as holding real potential for leading our country out of its prolonged ordeal, and moving forward towards independence and the democratic alternative our people aspire for.

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Japan-U.S. talks must focus on 'removal of bases'

Prime Minister Koizumi Jun'ichiro has suggested relocating some of the U.S. military bases in Okinawa to Japan's mainland, saying, 'The public is generally supportive of the idea. But when it comes to specifying the locations, local governments concerned will oppose the plan, and the plan will go bust.

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Bush and Cheney: Corrupt, Reprehensible, Seeking Your Vote

Shouldn't we be thinking of impeaching George W. Bush and Dick Cheney instead of running them for political office? These are two of the most corrupt politicians in U.S. history. We have factual proof they're serial liars. They've hoodwinked Congress and the American people into a war based on lies.

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