Katrina: More Than Two Years Later
Do you recall those days in August and September of 2005 when Mother Nature sent a storm that devastated the city of New Orleans and much of the Gulf Coast?

Just a Little Bit, Think...
Because of your support, we are very close to achieving our goal of raising $40,000 and $1,000 from our online readers. Will you help us get over the top by making a contribution of $100, $50, or $10 today?

Democrats’ Bill to Amend Wiretap Powers Delayed
Congressional Republicans have now delayed a bill proposed by the Democratic leadership in the US House Committees on the Judiciary and Intelligence to amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), an act which governs domestic warrantless wiretapping.

Despite Waging 'Jihad' on America, Afghan Drug Lord Cops a Plea Deal
'Have no doubt.' The United States government has zero tolerance when it comes to illegal drug use and the peddling of drugs.

US Income Gap Widest in 25 years
The gap between United States richest and poorest is at its widest in 25 years with the wealthiest taking home a record share of the nation's income that exceeds even the previous high in 2000, according to recent data from the Internal Revenue Service, IRS.
Nurses Strike in California to Improve Patient Care
About 5,000 registered nurses at 15 Northern California hospitals struck this week to improve patient care.

Australians Say Send Howard Packing!
At the last moment John Howard has been forced to call an election. He has procrastinated for months hoping that something will turn up to alter the long string of negative public opinion polls.

Why the Democrats Have Problems with their Base
The Friday New York Times (10-12-07) has an interesting article by David M. Herszenhorn (“Party’s Liberal Base Proves Trying to Democrats Back in Power’).

NSA Likely Violating Privacy, Civil Liberties
Sooner or later, a country that spies on its neighbors will turn on its own people, violating their privacy, stealing their liberties.

CPUSA Chair Sam Webb Speaks at StFX University
National chair of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Webb spoke to a standing-room-only audience of 90‑plus students and faculty on September 26. The theme of the meeting was 'Last Dance for Bush: Peace, Justice and the 2008 Elections, A Communist Viewpoint.'