Controlling the Debate on Palestine, Israel
The last time I spoke publicly in the United States before my current tour was nearly four years ago. During this time I had traveled the world, passing my message to people in nearly 20 countries.
Lenin walks around the world....

The Day the World Turned Upside-down
At 10 am on October 25 1917, an appeal 'To the Citizens of Russia!' was published in the Russian capital Petrograd. It proclaimed: 'The provisional government has been deposed....'

Autoworkers Versus the Media, an Interview with John Wojcik
Certainly in its coverage of the negotiations between the autoworkers and the Big Three, the media's coverage has been generally skewed to favor the interests and aims of the companies, while disparaging the workers as either irresponsible or ignorant of their best interests.

White Noise: Whitlock on NFL Color Lines
Jason 'Big Sexy' Whitlock has told me to 'mind own damn business' when it comes to his mission to lead a new Civil Rights movement against 'Black idiots.' But whether you are talking about Whitlock or someone hanging a noose on a tree, there is a problem when you say, 'Just ignore it and it will go away.'

Humanitarian Concerns Growing Near Iraqi-Turkish Border
Dozens of families have been leaving villages near the Iraq-Turkey border since 21 October, joining the hundreds who have already fled the area as tension rises between Turkish-Kurdish rebels and the Turkish army.

CPC Congress Closes, Opening New Chapter for Scientific Development
The Communist Party of China (CPC) closed its 17th National Congress on Sunday, endorsing the incorporation of the scientific outlook on development into the Party Constitution and installing a new 371-member Central Committee and a 127-member Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Ecuador Indigenous Peoples for Changes
Ecuador needs a deep change in its power structures and the redistribution of its resources, to guarantee the rights of all nationalities, a leader of the indigenous movement Luis Macas asserted on Tuesday.
Against Another American War and for Peace and Democracy in Iran
We the undersigned parties express our grave concern with the heightening tensions in the Persian Gulf region emanating from the US militaristic and hegemonic stance in its conflict with Iran (including Bush’s latest statement on September 12th 2007).

The Myth of Free Nuclear Energy
The Congress and its spokespersons have been on overdrive selling a number of myths about the benefits of the India-US Nuclear Deal.