
Hurricane Katrina Blows Off the Mask of the True Face of Capitalism

“I’m shocked,” my wife told me many times this week, reflecting on the human calamity in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast states from the fury of Hurricane Katrina. “Where was the disaster planning to help those poor people?”

World Offers Generous Aid to Katrina-hit US regions

The Chinese government has decided to offer disaster relief up to 5 million US dollars along with emergency supplies to the people in the the United States victimized by Hurricane Katrina, a Foreign Ministry spokesman said here Saturday

Ho Chi Minh and the proclamation of the Republic of Vietnam

NOBODY could have imagined on September 2, 1945, that that slight-built man with the graying beard, known by various names, among them Ho Chi Minh – that man who remains inseparably linked with the history of the world – would become one of the most exceptional figures of Asia in the 20th century.

Right Wing Crazier Than We Can Suppose

The eminent biologisgt J.B.S. Haldane once said, famously, that 'the Universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose.'

Buck stops with Bush

EACH time that US President George W Bush opens his mouth on the situation in New Orleans, he displays his ignorance and his inability to rise above narrow-minded politicking.

Racism is at the Heart of the Katrina Disaster

'I hate the way they portray us,' said hip-hop star Kanye West Friday evening on a NBC telethon to raise money for the Red Cross relief efforts for victims of Hurricane Katrina. 'They show a white family and they say they are looking for food. They show a Black family and say we’re looters.'

Communist Party, USA Demands Full Federal Support For Katrina Victims

Hurricane Katrina has inflicted an immense and unspeakable tragedy on the people of the Gulf Coast. The situation grows worse by the hour. The Mayor of New Orleans estimates that thousands have died and as many as 100,000 may still be trapped in the flooded city. Without food or drinkable water, time is running out for these men, women and children.

The Superdome: Monument to a Rotten System

There is nothing 'unnatural' about the disaster of New Orleans. When politicians smirk at global warming, when developers look at our wetlands and dream of mini malls, when billions are flushed in the name of war and tax-cuts, when issues of poverty and racism don’t even register in Presidential debates, all it takes is wind, albeit 145 mph wind, to expose a sturdy super power as a house of cards.


The effects of Katrina are tragic, causing death, the disruption of lives, and the loss of property on an unimaginable scale. Although Katrina was a natural catastrophe, its effects were largely avoidable and parallel another tragedy unfolding daily near another Gulf, 7000 miles away.

The President’s Priorities: State of Marriage Took Precedence over State of Louisiana

Why is President Bush more concerned with the state of marriage than the state of Louisiana? That’s what the New Orleans City Business paper asked in early February upon learning that Bush’s budget proposal recommended slashing $34 million from the New Orleans district of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

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