
Books: The Heirs to the Prophet Muhammad and The Creation

Progressives have a lot to keep up with these days. Besides having to keep tabs on the new and refurbished old theories of the right and left plus keep track of the aggressive misuse of Christian doctrine for right-wing partisan advantage,.

Five Years from 9/11: Mission Unaccomplished

When war waged in our name takes place on a distant continent and afflicts a people whose language we don’t speak, whose religion we don’t practice, and whose customs we don’t understand, our capacity for empathy is diminished.

Is The Tide Turning For Sea Turtle Protections In California?

Endangered sea turtles. These graceful creatures have long fascinated people and for years the United States has played a lead role globally in their protection.

Bush Protested During Visit in Atlanta

President Bush was greeted by protesters this morning as he was in Atlanta at the Cobb Galleria Centre to flog his proposed legislation regarding military tribunals for terrorism suspects.

Military-industrial Complex Calls Shots in America

On the dry, brown prairie just a few miles west of Belle Fourche, (pronounced BELL-foosh,) South Dakota, a town that styles itself the geographic heart of America, you can pull your car off two-lane blacktop highway 212 and watch the antelope graze.

The Real Path to September 11: Myths and Memories

In the five years since Al Qaeda terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center, the world has seen U.S invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq, the recent Israeli invasion of South Lebanon, and the strengthening of groups who launch murderous attacks on high profile civilian targets as publicity stunts for their political positions. 

How to Pack a Green Lunch

When kids open their lunchboxes after a hard morning of the three Rs (readin’, ‘ritin’ and ‘rithmetic), they hardly expect to be learning about the other three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle).

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