The Need for Peace in the Caucasus
When Nicolas Sarkozy arrived at Tblisi, the Georgian president knew that he had no alternative other than to accept the EU peace plan to which Russia had given its support.
British Chancellor Backtracks on Claim that Economic Crisis is Worst for 60 Years
British Chancellor Alistair Darling took to the airwaves to 'clarify' his comments in a newspaper interview, saying that he was referring to global economic conditions rather than those in Britain.
Vietnam Works Out Measures for Climate Change
Vietnam, one of the five countries possibly hardest hit by climate change, has set itself to raise sea and river dykes levels by 50 cm by 2020 and grow an additional 300,000 to 350,000 hectares of wetland forests and forests along dunes.
Israel, Palestine Talking Peace
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas are discussing a bilateral peace agreement this weekend.
Settler Violence against Palestinians on the Rise
Violence by settlers perpetrated against Palestinians has been on the rise in recent weeks in Hebron and the surrounding areas, residents and international observers said.
Thwart Imperialist Designs in Caucasus
After having successfully engineered the disintegration of former Yugoslavia fostering internecine conflict and instability in the Balkans – giving a modern meaning to the word 'Balkanization' – imperialism aided by local chauvinistic outfits is now targeting the Caucasus.
Empty Rhetoric
The Sydney Morning Herald made its assessment of the Beijing Olympics under the headline 'China misses games opportunity.' It trotted out the usual criticisms with a new one thrown in – 'too much organization' and 'robbing the events of a lively audience' because some events had empty seats.
Aerosol Sprays and Global Warming
The aerosol spray can has a storied history in the United States. First invented in the 1920s by U.S. Department of Agriculture scientists to pressurize insect spray, American soldiers eventually used the technology to help ward off Malaria in the South Pacific during World War II.
An Open Letter to God, from Michael Moore
The other night, the Rev. James Dobson's ministry asked all believers to pray for a storm on Thursday night so that the Obama acceptance speech outdoors in Denver would have to be canceled.