
John McCain's Lobbyist Problem

The Obama campaign, last week, launched a new Web site, , to highlight the issues of the 2008 election by examining the special interests and lobbyists tied to the McCain campaign.

The Dismal Science Becomes Gloomier

Economics as the “dismal science” was greatly emphasized in a recent Scientific American article concerned about the “unscientific assumptions in economic theory…undermining efforts to solve environmental problems.”

John McCain: Still Confused After All These Years

Today in Jacksonville, Florida, before a smaller than expected crowd, John McCain repeated his economic slogan. 'Our economy, I think, still the fundamentals of our economy are strong,' he said.

Who Do You Want to be President Next April 15th?

Nothing is inevitable except death and taxes. But this could change for as many as 101 million working households if Barack Obama wins the November 4th election.

Fighting Back Against the Politics of Distraction

Without a doubt the McCain campaign has sunk the presidential elections this year to a new low, with misleading ads, mudslinging, and attack ads focused on personalities rather than issues. Americans have heard more about pigs in lipsticks than what candidates will do to fix the economy.

Global Economic Slowdown to Push 100 Million into Poverty

Ban Ki-moon, the UN Secretary-General, warns in a new report that the gains made in reducing extreme poverty are under threat from the rise in global food and fuel prices and global economic slowdown.

'It's easy for me to be ... divorced,' says McCain

After weeks of negative campaigning and mud-slinging, John McCain made a stunning admission this week. During a presidential forum Sept. 11th, McCain said, 'It's easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.'

To Michigan, Former Mexican Pres. Fox Says Get Over Job Losses

Former ultra-conservative Mexican President Vincente Fox took a swipe at Michigan workers this week while appearing to endorse John McCain.


What McCain's 'Experience' Really Means – Michigan Sen. Responds

LANSING, Mich. – In a speech to the Michigan Democratic Party convention, held here last weekend, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) criticized John McCain's claim to be more experienced than Barack Obama for the presidency.

McCain Won't Help Floridians Facing Foreclosure, Unemployment, or Hurricanes

Hurricanes aren't the only force to slam Florida in the recent past. Grinding economic recession has taken its own toll over the past two years.

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