
Fighting Back Against the Politics of Distraction

Without a doubt the McCain campaign has sunk the presidential elections this year to a new low, with misleading ads, mudslinging, and attack ads focused on personalities rather than issues. Americans have heard more about pigs in lipsticks than what candidates will do to fix the economy.

Canada: Vote for a New Direction on Oct. 14

The first step is to defeat Harper and his Conservatives, and their pro-corporate, anti-people policies which they have already begun to impose with a vengeance over the past three years.

McCain's Newest Lobbyist, Lies, and the Issues

John McCain says he wants to reform Washington, but does hiring well-known Republican Washington lobbyist, William Timmons, who has shady ties to the South African apartheid regime really spell change?

John McCain and the Veterans 'Paradigm Shift'

John McCain says he supports veterans benefits, but his political record suggests, if elected, he would represent four more years of neglect of veterans issues, said Philip Carter, a US Army veteran and director of the Obama National Veterans Vote.

Parole Board Denies Clemency for Troy Davis

ATLANTA - The Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied clemency Friday afternoon, September 12, 2008, for death row inmate Troy Anthony Davis, even though his attorneys and supporters argue there is far too much doubt to carry out an execution.

Lowering Your Carbon Footprint

With global warming dominating so many headlines today, it’s no surprise that many of us are looking to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases our activities produce.

'It's easy for me to be ... divorced,' says McCain

After weeks of negative campaigning and mud-slinging, John McCain made a stunning admission this week. During a presidential forum Sept. 11th, McCain said, 'It's easy for me to go to Washington and, frankly, be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.'

To Michigan, Former Mexican Pres. Fox Says Get Over Job Losses

Former ultra-conservative Mexican President Vincente Fox took a swipe at Michigan workers this week while appearing to endorse John McCain.

John McCain's 9/11 Lie

We know how George W. Bush lied to the American people about the case for launching an invasion and now nearly 6-year long occupation of Iraq. Millions of Americans cringed when he insisted that Iraq sought to build nuclear and chemical weapons.


What McCain's 'Experience' Really Means – Michigan Sen. Responds

LANSING, Mich. – In a speech to the Michigan Democratic Party convention, held here last weekend, Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) criticized John McCain's claim to be more experienced than Barack Obama for the presidency.

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