Guide to Bush-McCain Crisis, Week 2
The week of September 22, 2008 has seen huge popular opposition to the Bush administration's bailout of Wall Street banks at taxpayer's expense. While stabilization of credit markets and the banking sector generally is crucial, the smart choice is to pursue a solution that addresses the fundamental causes of the collapse and helps working families avoid further economic calamity.

Poll Numbers, Scandal or Panic?: What's Behind McCain's Latest 'Ploy'
Did John McCain suspend his campaign 'to return to Washington to broker a deal on the financial crisis' in order to use the financial crisis as a way to prop up his sagging poll numbers? Or, is he afraid to meet Barack Obama head to head in a debate?
Reject the 'Bankers' Strike': Groups Demand No Bailout Without Conditions
A letter addressed to Congress and signed by more than a dozen labor and community leaders, including the presidents of both national labor federations, demanded a 'common sense' approach to the Wall Street bailout...
Towards a Pragmatic Perspective
Should the Cuban counterrevolution lose its long-standing political value to the US neoconservative right-wing extremists, their strong position in Southern Florida would no longer have any meaning, purpose or future.
Rescue Me!: What Else Could We Use that Bailout Money For?
For its anticipated $18+ billion share in the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street banks and lenders now being ramrodded through Congress by the Bush administration, the state of Michigan could provide almost 7 million of its residents with free health care.
Battleground Michigan: 'It's Time for a Change'
'Michigan is the key to the whole [electoral] map,' a pollster recently told Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne. It's 17 electoral votes are one reason, but the anger of the state's working families over Bush economic and trade policies that have cost them jobs and a decent standard of living is far more telling.
Ramming Through the Bailout
As the Bush administration attempts to ram a bailout package of nearly one trillion dollars through Congress, it begins to feel like Colonel Sanders asking the public to trust him to take care of the chickens.
The Bush Administration's Banking Rescue Plan
If I may simplify somewhat the situation, (but only slightly) we can say that over the last quarter of century, Wall Street firms bought out Congress and the White House (and paid at wholesale prices). Now, they want the U.S. government to buy them back (and they want to sell at retail prices).
Book Review: The Unexpected War
Afghanistan may have been a war unexpected in Canada, but a familiarity with American expectations concerning the New American Century combined with the fawning willingness of the Canadian military would make it more probable than improbable.
Tzipi and the Generals
Israel is in a tremendous state of instability and uncertainty. Olmert has tendered his resignation, but no one knows whether [Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi] Livni will be able to form a coalition.