10-17-07, 9:35 am
At the last moment John Howard has been forced to call an election. He has procrastinated for months hoping that something will turn up to alter the long string of negative public opinion polls which, if carried into the election proper, will see his government decisively defeated with the possibility of him also losing his Benelong seat.
His promise to alter the preamble to the Constitution to give recognition to the prior occupation of the Australian continent by the Indigenous people is a last minute ploy to fool the Australian people that somehow he has changed his spots and attitude towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
The comment by one Aboriginal representative that he is like a snake that has changed its skin, but remains a snake, sums up the reality. He is still talking in terms of assimilation and on the ground in the Northern Territory is in the process of grabbing back Aboriginal land and imposing white administrations on the communities of Indigenous people.
His governments of the last 11 years are the most destructive, dishonest and conservative ever elected in Australia.
Here are just seven reasons why the Howard government should be thrown out. You can add your own list.
1. He has presided over the run-down of public education and public health services. The increase in interest rates which he declared would not happen under his government have fueled a serious housing crisis which has witnessed home purchases as becoming out of reach of many middle and low income earners. At the same time, the rental market and the very high rents being levied, in NSW in particular, have made it extremely difficult to secure rental accommodation.
2. The WorkChoices legislation is the bench mark of the undemocratic, anti-worker and anti-trade union attitudes of Howard and his Ministers. This legislation with its priority being the imposition of AWA’s has significantly lowered the living standards of many workers – particularly those who have no protection from a trade union. Howard is waging a venomous class struggle when he, time and again, rails against “trade union bosses.” The fact that his Ministers are drawn exclusively from former business-men and -women and solicitors escapes any comment even by opposition leaders.
3. Talk of Australia becoming a clever country has fallen off the screen as funds to universities are systematically cut and these most important institutions forced to privatize and go cap in hand to the corporate sector. It is scandalous that Australia is importing doctors, nurses and other professionals from other countries, including developing countries, when Australia should not only train all we need but could also provide such specialists for many needy countries in addition. Cuba can do it – why not Australia? It’s Howard’s policies which have run down education, health services, housing and much else that has created this shameful situation.
4. The government’s migration and refugee policies are rooted in racist attitudes. From Tampa and the children overboard affair, to the current citizenship test, these policies are designed to keep out persons particularly from non-English speaking countries. The most recent example is Minister Kevin Andrews comments demonizing Sudanese living in Australia.
5. His government has systematically whittled away democratic rights under the cover of “anti-terrorism”. We saw what this means in terms of police powers and the intimidating mobilization of police, troops, helicopters, water cannon and, of course, the kilometers of fencing at the time of the APEC conference. However, it did not need the alleged “terrorist” threat for the government to clamp down tight on the right of workers to strike and the right of trade unions to represent their members and to organize them on the job.
6. Howard has enthusiastically involved Australia in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as he does the bidding of the US government. As everyone now knows the invasions of both these countries was based on blatant lies by US President George W Bush, former British PM Tony Blair and John Howard. The real reason for the invasion of Iraq was to secure for the US its oil resources and, in the case of Afghanistan, to secure control of an important strategic country on the southern border of the former Soviet Union. There too, oil and gas are at stake in the Caucasus and Caspian Sea region which is rich in both oil and gas resources.
The demand for all foreign troops to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan remains unfulfilled but the defeat of the Howard Government will weaken the front of the evil three who have spearheaded these invasions and the intended long-term occupation of Iraq.
7. Associated with this is the rapid militarization of the Australian economy with a huge increase in budget allocation for military purposes. Any future Howard government would continue to slavishly follow the dictates of the United States. This includes preparations for a big war in the Asian region. That’s what the treaty between Japan, the United States and Australia is all about. Its principle target is socialist China. Such a conflict would impose immeasurable calamity on all the countries involved.
The alternative to the Howard Government is a Kevin Rudd’s Labor Party which has, on issue after issue echoed, in one way or another, Howard’s policies with only minor differences.
However, this fact should not deter voters from voting decisively to oust the Howard Government. That is the next step forward in the present circumstances.
The Communist Party of Australia this occasion advocates a first vote for The Greens which have advanced progressive policies on the environment, on industrial laws and a number of other questions. Put other progressive parties and independents next, then the ALP and only last, the Liberal and National Parties.
We strongly urge the Labor Party to conclude a comprehensive deal with the Greens to exchange preferences in House of Representative seats and in the Senate which can be wrested away from the present Coalition majority if that is done.
Unfortunately the Communist Alliance will not receive electoral registration in time for this Federal election. Another 100 forms are needed to reach the 500 target. This does not stop Communists from standing in the coming election but it does mean that candidates will not have the name Communist next to their name on the ballot paper.
Help now in the campaign to defeat the Howard government. But, whatever happens, continue the campaigns on the many issues which confront the working class and all working people – namely WorkChoices, education and health, public school funding, democratic rights, to end the dirty war in Iraq, and against racism.
From The Guardian