5-09-07, 9:37 am
Havana, May 8 (Prensa Latina) In his profound analytical article 'The tragedy that threatens our species,' Cuban President Fidel Castro warned Tuesday of the extreme poverty and other catastrophes threatening millions of people in the Third World, especially in Latin America.
The positive auguries of transnationals, citing a market-regulated economy, more transnational capital, more sophisticated technology and constant growth of productivity and GDPs, make humanity believe this is the best of all possible worlds, and the State should not intervene, he said.
But the reality is otherwise, with growing unemployment in, and immigration to, developed countries, where immigrants do the hardest and least attractive work, while the people in poor countries are condemned to live in misery, the president pointed out.
To this must be added global warming and other scourges, besides the effects of years of paying the foreign debt, not to mention the terrible result if food were to be turned into biofuel, all of which hang like the sword of Damocles over humanity, Fidel Castro warned.
He used Latin America as a vivid example of the disparity between those sectors benefiting, albeit from the world s least income, and the rest, who must cope with escalating prices for equipment, products and basic foods.
Meanwhile, 'the empire s apocalyptic chief' declares he has the forces ready for preventive, surprise attacks on 60 or more countries of the world, 'a third of the international community,' the statesman noted.
Evidently, plunder, death, torture and displacement of millions for their natural resources and work are not enough, he said.
The president s reflections concluded with an optimistic message from the 700 representatives of world social organizations recently met in Havana, who left an inerasable impression and shared abundant material for deliberation about everyday events.
From Prensa Latina
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