
What Must Be Said

What must be saidWhy have I been silent, silent for so long?,Our generals have gamed it out,Confident the west will survive.We people have not even been considered.What is this right to “preventive war”?A war that could erase the Iranian people.Dominated by it’s neighbor, pulsing with righteousnessSmug in the fact that it is they, not Iran,Who have the Bomb.Why have I so far avoided to identify Israel by it’s name?,Israel and it’s ever increasing nuclear arsenal,Beyond reproach, Uncontrolled, uninspected.We all know these thingsYet we all remain silent, fearful of being labeled:anti-SemitichatefulworseConsidering Germany’s past these labels stickSo we call is “business”, “reparation” take your pick,As we deliver yet another submarine.As we provide to Israel the means to deliver annihilation.