12-13-07, 3:10 pm
La Paz, Dec 12 (Prensa Latina) Bolivia’s governing party and opposition are once again measuring their strength Wednesday, leading the nation to a dangerous path with an uncertain ending.
On the one hand, the government defends its democratic process of social change, and on the other, traditional parties cling to their inherited privileges, and act with violence and despair.
A popular celebration for the recently approved constitutional proposal, and the implementation of de facto autonomies in several departments have been scheduled for the weekend..
In view of imminent confrontations and the spiral of violence pounding the country for weeks, President Evo Morales has repeatedly called for dialogue to solve national problems.
'I call for authorities and legally elected departmental leaders to work together in regards with the new Constitution, the autonomy law, and autonomic statute,' Morales said in a message to the nation.
The constitutional text is rejected by mayors Ruben Costas (Santa Cruz), Mario Cossio (Tarija), Leopoldo Fernandez (Pando), Ernesto Suarez (Beni), and Manfred Reyes (Cochabamba), who announced the implementation of de facto autonomies.
The president announced such actions attempt against national unity, are unlawful, unconstitutional, and separatist, and rejected them, but recognized the right of some sectors to protest.
But opposition groups refuse to solve the differences and continue with force and other measures including an eight-day hunger strike widely covered by the media but hardly recognized by the people.
From Prensa Latina