November 2010

Greenpeace Accuses Walmart in Beijing of Selling Tainted Produce

Original source: Global Times“Profit over people,” read the banner held by Greenpeace members at the Dajiaoting branch of Walmart in Beijing Thursday at 11 am, when the environmental protection organization gave the retail giant its Golden Scales Award for allegedly selling tainted produce.“The scale has two trays.

Federal Recycling Program Needed

EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: Given the environmental and economic benefits, why doesn’t the U.S. have a federal law mandating recycling nationwide?       -- N. Koslowsky, Pompano Beach, FL

U.S., Cuba Seniors Play Softball in Havana

HAVANA, Cuba, Nov 17 (acn) – Some 40 U.S. senior softball players are currently in Havana city playing a series of games against their Cuban counterparts, the second in two years, in a trip that aims at sharing their love for the sport and closing the gap between the two peoples.“The first trip was very exciting.

Senate Rules Block Progress

The U.S. Senate should revise its rules on filibusters and consent for judicial nominations in order to stop a recently growing trend of gridlock and indecisions, argues a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations.According to the the report, over the past two decades, "[r]egular order has been breaking down in the Senate." The report's author Kay King, a former congressional staffer and now vice president of Washington Initiatives at CFR, pointed to legislative devices used to limit debate.King specifically highlighted the abuse of the filibuster to shut down progress on legislation in the Senate.

Let's Pass Some Laws Before the Republicans Head Into Town

Let's Pass Some Laws Before the Republicans Head Into Town (after all, that's what they'd do) open letter to Congressional Democrats from Michael MooreTuesday, November 16th, 2010Dear Congressional Democrats:Welcome back to our nation's capital for your one final session of the 111th Congress.

Is Immigration Reform Possible in "Lame Duck" Session?

A broad coalition of faith-based groups and community organizations that supports comprehensive immigration reform is calling on Congress to address its concerns about this issue in the lame duck session.

Fast Food Waste

EarthTalk® From the Editors of E/The Environmental Magazine Dear EarthTalk: I work at a fast food place and I am appalled by the amount of unpurchased food we throw away.

The Elimination of Poverty in China

Original course: People's DemocracyThe elimination of poverty is an essential requirement of a socialist system.

Economic Recovery Strangled by Big Business – Premeditated Abuse and Sabotage

Big business take warning: you are accused of knowingly sabotaging the welfare of Americans to extract an obscene share of our abundance.

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