Articles > November 2010
November 2010
Broad Coalition Urges Passage of DREAM Act
With comprehensive immigration appearing less and less likely during the "lame duck" session of Congress, many are pushing for passage of the DREAM Act this month as an important partial measure.

Don't Deport Brian Pastor
Young Man of Faith Tells Congress: Give Me a Chance Bernard Pastor of Ohio Shows What’s at Stake for Politicians, Our Country in DREAM Act Debate Washington, DC – As the DREAM Act moves toward a vote during the lame duck session of Congress, Republicans are busy dusting off their excuses for intransigence, inaction, and opposition to DREAM. But the story of a young future pastor out of Ohio illustrates the compelling need for the DREAM Act, and what’s at stake for policymakers and our country if Republican lawmakers oppose this bill. The story of Bernard Pastor, an 18-year old from the Cincinnati, OH area, puts a “human face” on the DREAM Act debate. Pastor, who aspires to be pastor of his own church, was brought to the United States from Guatemala at the age of three and subsequently graduated in the top five of his class at Reading High School, near Cincinnati, last May. Yet according to the Cincinnati Enquirer, after being involved in a minor car accident, Pastor was sent to a federal detention facility for deportation after police discovered he was undocumented.
Will Congress Continue Jobless Benefits to Help the Unemployed, Their Families and the Economy?
Original source: Coalition on Human Needs Unless Congress acts when it returns from the Thanksgiving holiday, millions of hardworking Americans who have exhausted their 26 weeks of state benefits—including 2 million in December alone—will lose their federal unemployment insurance (UI) benefits.

Republicans Stall on START – Harm Global Relations
If the Senate decides to vote on the new START treaty with Russia, it will likely garner enough votes for passage, an expert with a top Washington think tank predicted Monday, Nov. 22.

Senate Rules Block Progress
The U.S. Senate should revise its rules on filibusters and consent for judicial nominations in order to stop a recently growing trend of gridlock and indecisions, argues a new report from the Council on Foreign Relations.According to the the report, over the past two decades, "[r]egular order has been breaking down in the Senate." The report's author Kay King, a former congressional staffer and now vice president of Washington Initiatives at CFR, pointed to legislative devices used to limit debate.King specifically highlighted the abuse of the filibuster to shut down progress on legislation in the Senate.
Halting a Train and Upsetting Political Scenery
Using ropes, some young people descended halfway from railroad bridges to force the train to stop.
Response to C.J. Atkins “Living in an Era of Change”
This response is to C.J. Atkins' article and also by articles by John Case and commentaries related to these articles.

Dennis Kucinich: "Our Economy is Out of Breath"
Original source: l'HumaniteTranslated Thursday 4 November 2010, by Henry Crapo and reviewed by Derek Hanson.
Democrats Suffer Major Losses, Begin Regrouping in Georgia
Original source: The Atlanta Progressive News(APN) ATLANTA -- The Democratic Party of Georgia suffered major losses in the General Election this year, losing representation among every statewide constitutional office and losing a US Congressional seat.Democrats lost in every statewide race, including for seats previously held by Democrats, including Attorney General (Thurbert Baker, who ran for Governor and lost in the Democratic Primary), Commissioner of Agriculture (Tommy Irvin who retired), and Commissioner of Labor (Michael Thurmond, who won the Democratic nomination for US Senate but lost in the General).