Urge a New Course in Afghanistan

5-19-09, 9:31 am

Original source: United for Peace and Justice

What's the first step for us to stop the war in Afghanistan? Shift American public opinion!

After all, we did change public opinion on Iraq – through countless street protests, petitions, op-eds, blog posts, bumper stickers, and more. The peace movement pushed (and continues to push!) the majority of Americans to shift their values and demand real change to U.S. foreign policy - including an end to the war in Iraq.

So how do we shift public opinion against the war in Afghanistan? We get our voices out through op-eds, letters to the editor, TV and radio interviews, Twitter and blogs to change the public discourse about the crisis in Afghanistan and Pakistan. These media might be the most effective and powerful force to provoke and change minds nationwide, resulting in a collective push to end the war.

That's why UFPJ calls on you to take part in our National Media Day of Action on Afghanistan this Thursday, May 21. If each of us picks up a single action from the ideas listed below, imagine the impact our combined call for withdrawal could have across the country and the world!

And we've put together a list of resources to help you do just this. Click here to find out how you can participate in this National Media Day: from writing op-eds and letters to the editor to calling-in to local talk radio shows to posting links on social networking sites (like Facebook or Twitter). (We've also attached the resource list below for easy use.)

Remember: our effectiveness in ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be measured by how much and how well we can push our message into the larger public arena. So we need you to join us this Thursday, May 21 for the National Media Day of Action on Afghanistan!