

Leaders Meet in Venezuela for First South American Energy Summit

In the spirit of integration, 10 presidents of South America met this Monday and Tuesday at the first South American Energy Summit to design an energy strategy for the region.


'I HOPE IT'S YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS THAT DIE' - US Representative Dana Rohrabacher

'I HOPE IT'S YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS THAT DIE' said US Representative Dana Rohrabacher to American citizens who questioned the Bush Administration’s unlawful extraordinary rendition policies.


Help Nominate Pete Seeger for Nobel Prize

Pete Seeger is an ambassador for Peace and Social Justice and has been over the course of his 87year lifetime. As a prominent musician his songs and performance style have worked to engage other people, particularly the youth, in causes to end the Vietnam war, ban nuclear weapons, work for international solidarity, and ecological responsibility.

Tell Congress We Need Stronger Federal Gun Regulations

Every day they try to fill us with fear. 'The terrorists are coming over here to get us,' they say. And why WOULDN'T the terrorists want to come to Virginia, for example?


Audio: Defense Secretary Gates Contradicts Bush on Iraq Timetable

Defense Secretary Gates Contradicts Bush on Timetables; Ecuador Votes for Socialist Reforms; Northern Ireland Takes Big Steps Toward Peace; Americans Sound Off on Global Warming; Sen. Barack Obama Criticizes Today's Supreme Court Abortion Ruling


Virginia Tech, A Glimpse into What America has Inflicted on Iraq

At the memorial ceremony for those slain at Virginia Tech, President Bush said today he did not know what the victims had done to deserve their fate.


Public Housing Evictions Starting Already, Residents Plead for Help

Atlanta public housing residents who do not have a job or are not in school by the end of June 2007 will be evicted from their residences, months before the City’s intended public housing demolitions are to occur.


Australia: Howard Government faces 'climate change' in popularity

The Howard Government remains unwilling to take serious steps to avert global warming, even following the release of another alarming report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Iraqi Communists Again Call for an End to the Occupation

On this occasion, allow me to express our gratitude for the internationalist support and solidarity extended to the Iraqi people, our Communist Party, and the democratic forces in Iraq.


Please God, deliver us from the banality of evil

Virtually every day our mendacious corporate media publicizes the farcical 'debate' between officials of the Bush Regime and Congress.

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