

Luis Posada Carriles must be tried for his crimes

While in the name of the fight against terrorism, hundreds of thousands of people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, and others - arbitrarily detained - are tortured in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo, the United States government protects the most notorious terrorist in this hemisphere, attempting to deceive public opinion through interminable pseudolegal maneuvers and refusing to try him for his real crimes.


Georgia: State Rep. Brooks Gets Hateful, Racist Email over Slavery Apology Bill

Georgia State Rep. Tyrone Brooks has requested an investigation by the Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) over a racist email he received a few weeks ago, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.


Gun Violence and Domestic Abuse

In the wake of the tragedy that took the lives of 33 people and brought terror to the Virginia Tech campus, President Bush rushed to politicize the event...


North Ireland Executive: A Big Step Forward

The decision to establish an Executive in the North of Ireland is a big step forward in the building of peace and reconciliation.


Book Review: Constantine's Sword

In this book James Carroll traces the history of Christian anti-Semitism and the role of the Catholic Church, his Church, in its development. Despite his goal of portraying the responsibility of the Church in what became the holocaust, he ends up with a nuanced apologetic for his religion and dilutes Catholic responsibility by deflecting some of the blame to the Enlightenment, Luther and Marxism.


Ecuador Votes for Constitutional Revision

Ecuador has launched a popularly supported constitution revision process that will introduce a number of socialist reforms, reports Agence France-Presse.


French Presidential Elections: The Left has to Stand Up!

There are are only seven days to the election. Everything is still possible. The network of militants that is spreading out throughout the country can still avoid all the traps and create the conditions of a new hope.


IPCC Report: doing nothing is not an option

More canaries are keeling over in the mine shaft. In Germany and the United States, bee populations are declining rapidly.

US Car Industry: One Down, Two To Go?

General Motors, once a global giant and for long the number one company in the world not to mention the undisputed leader of the US is today on a path of steady, some say terminal, decline along with the rest of the US automobile industry.


Polar Bears vs. Global Warming

Most researchers agree that even small changes in temperature are enough to send hundreds if not thousands of already struggling species into extinction unless we can stem the tide of global warming.

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