Striking Mechanics Fight for Jobs, Airline Safety Concerns Mount
On August 20th, 4,430 airline mechanics at Northwest Airlines went on strike. After several months of negotiations, it became obvious to the union that the company had no intention of budging from its initial offer and wanted to push the workers to walk out.
The Calm Before
It's very, very early morning on Saturday, August 27, in Crawford, Texas. The roads are as dark as Dick Cheney's heart, and the stars as numerous as W's lies. All hell has not yet broken loose and may or may not do so later today. But the police are telling the media that they're preparing for trouble.

SYRIA: Active promotion of gender equality in rural areas
Iyad al-Dakhil, deputy director of planning in the Deir Ezzor governorate said that the workshop gave women a platform to discuss and call for their rights to be respected. “This has been absent in our society,” he said. 'I was surprised to see that both men and women were open to this idea of promoting gender equality despite our traditions where men dominate society,' he explained.

The Economics of Genocide in Sudan
Remorseless ethnically-targeted human destruction in Darfur now garners only slim and diminishing news coverage. Perversely, this is true even as accounts from various international actors---especially the UN political leadership---become more deeply mired in disingenuousness and self-exculpatory pronouncements.

Reverend Pat: Have Gun Will Travel
The old Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once compared religious leaders who attacked the Soviet Union as comparable to the priests who threw holy water on the weapons of the Czar’s armies. But Pat Robertson has gone Nikita once better, advising the U.S. government on National Cable Television (actually the Family Channel, formerly the Christian Broadcasting Network) to murder Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez.
John Roberts on Women's Issues
In internal memos, Roberts urged President Ronald Reagan to refrain from embracing any form of the proposed Equal Rights Amendment pending in Congress; he concluded that some state initiatives to curb workplace discrimination against women relied on legal tools that were 'highly objectionable'; and he said that a controversial legal theory ...of directing employers to pay women the same as men ... was 'staggeringly pernicious' and 'anti-capitalist.'
Cindy Meets the Media
There's a press conference at 10:30 a.m. CT every day at Camp Casey 2 near Crawford, Texas, and today was no exception. Seven military family members and veterans spoke very briefly, then Cindy Sheehan spoke, and then Cindy answered questions from the assembled representatives of our (private) public communications system.
World Health Organization Declares TB an Emergency in Africa
Call for 'urgent and extraordinary actions' to halt worsening epidemic Health ministers from 46 Member States have declared tuberculosis an emergency in the African region - a response to an epidemic that has more than quadrupled the annual number of new TB cases in most African countries since 1990 and is continuing to rise across the continent, killing more than half a million people every year.
News Roundup: Robertson's Mouth, Education Revolt, and War Protests
Groups demand that the Bush administration condemn right-wing televangelist Pat Robertson's call to assassinate Hugo Chávez. States revolt agains the No Child Left Behind school privatization scheme. Students demand real financial aid. Faith communities step up their role in the peace movement.
Evangelist Call to Kill Venezuela's Chavez Reaps Outrage
In recent weeks Bush administration officials have stepped up their public and covert attacks on the Venezuelan government, displeased with the South American country spending its oil profits on social and economic development programs and Chavez's refusal to tailor his foreign policy to US interests.