Televangelist Robertson and the Decadent Capital of Big Oil
You know U.S. Christian televangelist Pat Robertson of the Christian Coalition is tight with God. Such tightness has it privileges. One grabbing headlines now is the privilege to call for the U.S.-led liquidation of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s president, redistributing oil revenue to his nation’s low-income majority.
Venezuela to Provide Discounted Heating Oil and Free Eye Operations to U.S. Poor
Venezuela’s Chavez said to visiting Rev. Jesse Jackson today that he would like Jackson to help with finding a way to provide discounted heating oil and free eye operations to poor communities in the U.S. Pointing out that Venezuela provides 1.5 million barrels of oil per day to the U.S., Chavez said, 'we would like to provide a part of this 1.5 million barrels of oil to poor communities.'

'What if America Found its Soul?' : A 12 Step Program for America [PA Online Editor's Choice]
'Is it my turn to talk?' 'Yes, America. Go ahead.'
'My name is America, and I am an addict.' (In a chorus of replies in varying languages, the group welcomes America)'I am addicted to power, over-consumption, imperialism, deceit, avarice, hubris, and war. Like a spoiled child with a self-will run amuck, I have tried to force each of you to bend to my will. My life has become unmanageable, I am powerless over my additions. I am prepared to turn my will over to a Power greater than myself and allow that Power to restore me to sanity. The fact that I am speaking to you in English and expecting all of you to understand me shows how deep my arrogance runs...
Evangelist Call to Kill Venezuela's Chavez Reaps Outrage
In recent weeks Bush administration officials have stepped up their public and covert attacks on the Venezuelan government, displeased with the South American country spending its oil profits on social and economic development programs and Chavez's refusal to tailor his foreign policy to US interests.
The US government requests more time to make decision on the Five
According to experts, the 30-day extension application is an attempt by the US government to lengthen the process, and corresponds to an order by the US Attorney General who should decide whether to finally appeal the decision of the Eleventh Circuit Court.
Got Gas? Health Care? Go to Venezuela
President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela is taking hateful comments from right-wing elites in the US in stride. Despite inflammatory comments by the Bush administration and the barely coherent ravings of Christian Coalition founder and former Republican presidential candidate Pat Robertson about assassinating the elected Venezuelan president, Chávez continues to express his solidarity with the people of the US who struggle for peace, democracy and social justice.
World Festival Declaration:'For Peace and Solidarity, We Struggle Against Imperialism and War!'
In coming years, prior to [the] next Festival, we will continue to struggle and to expand the scope of our actions on many occasions, with ever greater strength and determination...Now we are in a better position to continue our struggle through our respective local, national, regional and international organizations and structures against our common enemies: imperialism, exploitation and war.

Robertson Advises Bush to Take Already Self-Destructive Vendetta Against Chávez
Radical right-wing Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson took the future of U.S. diplomacy in South America into his own hands Monday night when he urged the U.S. government to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez...Robertson’s comments devolved from baseless to inflammatory when he blatantly called for the Venezuelan leader’s assassination, urging, “We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability.”
Online Petition Regarding Haiti :Dear Mr. Wolfowitz[World Bank President]
We, the undersigned, write in response to the World Bank's recent statement on Haiti. On July 27, the World Bank posted on its web site an article titled 'Haiti: One Year Later' that grossly misrepresents the current reality in Haiti. To lead readers to the article, the World Bank posted a banner headline at the top of its home page reading: Haiti's Recovery, A Year of Progress and the teaser: 'New schools, roads, and jobs are among the achievements of the Interim Cooperation Framework', Haiti's economic, social and political recovery program. This is an inexcusable whitewash...
Book Review – The Chavez Code, by Eva Golinger
Eva Golinger’s outstanding investigation and documentation of the events of early April 2002 that led to the illegal coup against President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela is a must read. After unearthing US government documents for the past two years, Golinger has produced groundbreaking evidence of the extent to which the Bush administration illegally aided the opposition, influenced the Venezuelan military, and directly and indirectly supported the coup.