Bolivar's Second Coming? Inside Venezuela's Controversial Revolution
Maria raised a gangster. She didn't plan on it, but Venezuela's slums tempted her son Mauricio with the drugs he needed to numb his anger. By age 14, he had fallen into a life of theft and violence, trying to pry himself out of the squalor and hopelessness in which he was trapped.

Augusto Pinochet: The Death of a Fascist
Augusto Pinochet died December 10, escaping justice. An Italian scholar of progressive views whom I know said to me cynically that it was a “good death.”
Will Democrats Cut and Run from Bush’s Deeply Flawed Latin American Policy?
Is there, or will there be, a revitalized Democratic Latin American policy as distinct from the farrago of ineptitude witnessed under the Bush administration?

The Fog of Bush
In the 3 December 2006 presidential election, Chavez won 61.2% of the vote, carrying every state, including that of his opponent, Manuel Rosales, Governor of the State of Zulia. During the attempted coup against President Chavez, Rosales was the only governor to sign on to the Carmona Decrees, “on behalf of the governors.”

A Divided Chile Contemplates Pinochet’s Passing
As millions around the world celebrated International Human Rights Day on December 10, the event was overshadowed throughout Chile as its citizens both mourned and celebrated the death of ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who ruled the South American country from 1974 to 1990.

US Acknowledges Venezuelan Presidential Elections as Democratic
The US government implicitly acknowledged the legitimacy of Venezuela’s December 3rd presidential election on Monday, where Hugo Chávez comfortably retained his position as president for the next 6 years.

Homage To Fidel Castro on his 80th Birthday
The Philippines and Cuba, although located halfway around the world from each other, share a common history of subjugation under Spanish colonialism and US imperialism.

Cuba: Winning The War Against Imperialism
AMONG the many acts of aggression of the US government that lack international legitimacy, the economic blockade it still seeks to impose on Cuba stands at the top of the list.

Venezuela Takes Steps Towards Solar Energy
Highlighting one of the first initiatives of the recently launched Mission Energy Revolution, 73 new solar-powered lamp posts where installed last week along Bolivar Avenue in downtown Caracas.