

The Death of a President Who Never Was: The Bobby Kennedy Assassination

Disturbing evidence concerning the 1968 assassination of Bobby Kennedy surfaced recently near the time of what would have been Kennedy's 81st birthday.


Healthy Hair Care

recent studies have linked some of the ingredients in hair care products to various human health problems, so hair care professionals and consumers are well advised to know their options.


Venezuela Takes Steps Towards Solar Energy

Highlighting one of the first initiatives of the recently launched Mission Energy Revolution, 73 new solar-powered lamp posts where installed last week along Bolivar Avenue in downtown Caracas.


Possibility of a New Mexican Revolution Cannot Be Ruled Out

On the morning of November 6, radical protesters in support of the Oaxaca popular movement detonated bombs at three high-profile targets in Mexico City, including the PRI headquarters and the Federal Electoral Tribunal.


Closer to Home

I did something worse than St. Augustine did when I was a kid.  I must confess I broke into a house on the other side of town, and I did it just because it was such an ugly beat-down house that needed work so badly.


Possession of nuclear arms will isolate Japan in international community

Liberal Democratic Party Policy Research Council Chair Nakagawa Shoichi has repeatedly called for a debate on whether Japan should possess nuclear weapons in the wake of North Korea's nuclear test.


Peace mandate fuels drive to end Iraq war

The nationwide peace coalition United for Peace and Justice has called for a mass march on Washington Jan. 27 to press the new Congress to “take immediate action to end the war.”


Vietnam determines to advance toward the path of socialism

This situation requires us to conduct scientific and sound evaluations in order to come up with appropriate and beneficiary solutions for each party, each country and the world's democratic and progressive movement as a whole.


NATO's Role as World Police Condemned

The Riga NATO summit of 29th of November 2006 constitutes a further step in the reinforcement of NATO as 'gendarme du monde' and of its vital role in promoting the reactionary policies of big capital.


Hearings on Bush's Crimes Will Unite Nation

An astonishing 44 percent of Americans do not want President Bush impeached (Newsweek), 36 percent approve of the job he's doing (AP-Ipsos), 33 percent support the Iraq War (CNN). What, you may ask, is the matter with these people? Well, primarily this: they get their news by watching television and occasionally glancing at a magazine or newspaper. They don't know the things you know if you listen to progressive radio or search out news on the internet or read the ends of articles that begin on page 18.

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