Why Bush's Medicare Drug Plan is Just Plain Wrong
A crisis has arisen in health care for senior and disabled Americans. The Bush administration and Republican Congressional leaders pushed through a bill that they promised would bring relief from the rising costs of prescription drugs.

Harnessing the Power of the Ocean
As any board or body surfer will tell you, the ocean’s tidal currents pack considerable wallop. So why wouldn’t it make sense to harness all that formidable power, which is not too unlike that of the rivers that drive hydropower dams or the wind that drives wind turbines, to make energy?

CBS 46 Calls Out Gateway Center for Apparent Dishonesty
Atlanta’s CBS 46 News reporter Joanna Massee called the Gateway Center out for misleading her, and indeed, the public, in what was her second report on homeless women in Atlanta and the Gateway’s mass eviction policies, which aired last week.

27th Annual Poor People's Day Held at Georgia Capitol
“The rich are gettin’ richer on the backs of the poor, and we won’t take it anymore,” homeless advocate and folk singer, Lynn Griever, sang, at the Trinity United Methodist Church, as about 250 working class people and advocates met for the 37th Annual Poor People’s Day.

Climate Change: Bush government censoring scientists
THE U.S. government has been resorting to reprehensible methods to deceive citizens about a subject that involves humanity as a whole: climate changes that are leading to increased global warming.

Marxism and Islamophobia
Last Thursday’s Arts section of The New York Times (2-8-07) has an interesting article about a rift within the world of book awards. This is admittedly an arcane world that most people are unaware of, yet it reflects the reality of the everyday world in which we all live.

Global Warming and Hurricanes
Scientists can’t blame individual storms or droughts on climate change, but many believe that human-induced global warming is increasing the severity and frequency of such weather “anomalies.”

Bush health care plan: ‘You’re on your own’
Health care advocates slammed President Bush’s latest health care proposals as free-market fantasy that would dismantle employer-provided health coverage, enrich insurance companies and worsen the nation’s health care crisis.

Big Oil, the American Enterprise Institute, and their War on Science
Have an opinion on global warming? ExxonMobil-funded right-wing 'think'-tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI) might pay you to smear a recent report published by a United Nations committee that points out what most people have long understood: not only is global warming real, but humans play a big role in causing it.

'Green Roofs' and Urban Heat Islands
An urban heat island is a metropolitan area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas. Unlike global warming, which entails a worldwide rise in temperatures, heat islands occur at the local level.