
Situation in Iraq Is Civil War: Rep. John Murtha

According to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Second Edition, the definition of a civil war is a 'war between political factions or regions within the same country.' That is exactly what is going on in Iraq, not a global war on terrorism, as the President continues to portray it.

Japan: U.S. Kitty Hawk sailor kills Japanese woman in Yokosuka

Prefectural Assembly members group, and the JCP Yokosuka City Assembly members group jointly visited the U.S. Navy Yokosuka Base to protest against the murder. They demanded that the commander of the U.S. Navy in Japan and the Kitty Hawk's captain immediately hand over the suspect to the Japanese authorities.

Maryland First State to Make Corporations Pay Their Fair Share

In passing the Fair Share Health Care bill, Maryland became the first state to require its largest employers to spend 8 percent of their payroll on health care for their workers. Of the four employers in the state with more than 10,000 workers, only Wal-Mart does not meet the 8 percent threshold for employee health care.

Ending Occupation

The peace movement in the U.S. and globally has helped create the growing public consensus and rising demands to end the war and bring home the troops. The Bush administration is responding with escalating claims of Potemkin-style troop withdrawals.

Capitalism's Suicide Bombers: Thomas Friedman & the 'Flat Earth' Theory

According to Thomas Friedman, the 'world is flat' or fast becoming flat as information technology transforms world capitalism, giving everyone a chance to share in the enormous global pie. Together with this hopeful world scene, Friedman's new book, The World is Flat (2005), voices the typical alarmism that defines the mindset of modern capitalists.

State Government and Native American tribes signed deals with Venezuela's CITGO

Jan 12, 2006.- Today it was announced that the government of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez continued its program to provide relief for low income U.S. residents by delivering cheaper oil products.

No Connection Between Tax Cuts for the Rich and Job Creation

There is no connection between tax cuts for the rich and job creation, says a recently published study by United for a Fair Economy. In fact, slow job growth, declining wages and benefits, accompanied by widening income and employment inequality by race and ethnicity is the hallmark of Bushonomics.

Its Time for Justice, Says Cuban Five Mother

Mirta Rodriguez, mother of Antonio Guerrero, noted that despite the Atlanta Court of Appeals decision last August that annulled the sentences against the Cuban Five, they still remain behind bars after more than seven long years.The prosecution requested the full court of appeals reconsider their decision.

EGYPT: Year in Brief 2005 - Chronology of democratic events

12 December 2004: Hundreds of Egyptians demonstrated in front of the Supreme Court in Cairo to protest President Mubarak’s lengthy tenure. This was Egypt's first major public demonstration to call for an end to Mubarak's 24-year rule.

War Lies and Journalistic Constipation

David Sirota recently documented instances of what he called Rectal Journalism. He described this sort of reporting as 'based on reporters and pundits simply pulling stuff right out of their ass.'

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