Some Reflections on Science and the Gayness Of Sheep
In 1961, the author William J. Lederer published his book A Nation of Sheep. One of its basic points was how the American people tended to follow and believe whatever the government and an uncritical press dished out to them.

'Don't Let Dick Cheney Get Me!'
This country has learned to be afraid... of Dick Cheney. The number one reason a significant minority of Americans still hesitates to get behind impeachment of Bush is fear of Dick Cheney. This will remain the case even should Cheney die, I am convinced. Certainly it remains the case no matter how many times I explain the following six reasons why it's INSANE, but I'm going to try one more time.
Communist Party USA Response to the State of the Union
The concerns of most Americans who find it harder and harder to make ends meet, and who want to bring our troops home from Iraq, were ignored by George W. Bush in his State of the Union address.

NOW on Bush's State of the Union Speech: Careful Words Obscure Old Agenda
[Last night's] State of the Union address began on a high note, with George W. Bush acknowledging that he was the first United States president to begin his speech with the words 'Madam Speaker.' As I watched Speaker Nancy Pelosi call the proceedings to order and sit to the president's left, it was a particular pleasure to point out to my 6th grade daughter that this was the first State of the Union in the country's history with a woman in the picture.

Neturei Karta and the Limits of Tolerance
There was an interesting article in the Metro Section of last Monday’s New York Times (1-15-07) named 'Friends in Iran Make for Discord at Home' written by Fernanda Santos. The article is about Neturei Karta an anti-Zionist group of Orthodox Jews and the response of the pro-Zionist community to this organization.

Bush Retreats on Illegal Domestic Wiretapping
The Bush Administration announced yesterday it will abandon the warrantless surveillance program operated by the National Security Agency (NSA), Atlanta Progressive News has learned.

Impeach Disney and General Electric
By any serious standard of journalism, impeachment should be in the news right now. This illustrates the worst problem with our media. It's not how they cover stories. It's how they do not cover stories.

Land of Enchantment and Impeachment
There is a decent chance that within the next month or two the New Mexico State Legislature will ask the U.S. House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Makes the Case for Impeachment
As some people learned from the minimal and abusive media coverage, on December 8, 2006, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney introduced Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush, making him the 10th president of the United States to face such action.

Delay in Reporter Subpoena in War Objector's Tribunal
Independent journalist Sarah Olson still has to decide whether to testify in a court martial against one of her sources, but now she will have another month in which to make that decision, Atlanta Progressive News has learned.